Tenacious Bloom Your Logo Image Frances Massey Quirky, Handmade, Contemporary porcelain Jewellery. The SPEED Plus project I needed help and support in launching my business. It has given me focus and confidence along with training support. I’ve loved meeting so many great people who share my way of thinking and watching them all grow and develop along side me. My business is evolving. I have learned a lot about the way I operate and that there is a lot more support out there than you might think and the most valuable is not always financial. What advice would you give graduates considering applying for SPEED Plus? You will learn so much about yourself and what really matters to you. By understanding your strengths and weakness you will be better able to move your business forward. Embrace the power of networking. Go for it!..you have absolutely nothing to lose! The Future We are concentrating on getting the work out there developing the brand and products further right now. In future would love to grow to accommodate other products such as fashion, homeware and stationary. We are always collaborating with other businesses so who knows were it might take us, watch this space! Your Logo “I have learnt to embrace my creativity and put it at the heart of my business. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, and never stop asking questions!” “I have a gorgeous pair of heart earrings from Tenacious Bloom. I love that they're a bit different and individual. They are beautifully made and I've received loads of compliments on the occasions I've worn them.” Image