Hamlet Anticipation Activity For the following statements, decide where you stand and move the appropriate side of the room to reflect your choice. There are markers for AGREE, DISAGREE and UNSURE/BOTH. Once you get there, talk with the people who share your view. Then, we will discuss and share as a class.
Statement #1 It is NEVER right to kill another person.
Statement #2 There are acceptable reasons for lying to your friends.
Statement #3 The events of our lives are decided for us.
Statement #4 No cause, political or otherwise, is worth dying for.
Statement #5 It would be okay for your friends to tell your parents things about you if you were in trouble or in danger.
Statement #6 It is better to act quickly than to be indecisive.
Statement #7 You are just as obligated to get involved in your parents' affairs as they are in yours.
Statement #8 In some circumstances it is right for parents to spy on their children.
Statement #9 I believe in supernatural forces.
Statement #10 Daughters and sons are held to different standards in a typical household.
Statement #11 It is okay to deceive others to get what you want.