How shall I my Savior set forth? How shall I His beauties declare?


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Presentation transcript:

How shall I my Savior set forth? How shall I His beauties declare? O Wonderful Love How shall I my Savior set forth? How shall I His beauties declare? Or how shall I speak of His worth, Or what His chief dignities are? O wonderful love! (O wonderful love! O wonderful love!) (wonderful love! O wonderful love!) O wonderful, wonderful love, (Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful love!) My Savior showed to me. 1-3 Words by Maxwell / Music by J. W. McGarvey, Jr.

Tho’ once He was nailed to the cross, Vile rebels like me to set free, O Wonderful Love Tho’ once He was nailed to the cross, Vile rebels like me to set free, His glory sustained no loss, Eternal His kingdom shall be. O wonderful love! (O wonderful love! O wonderful love!) (wonderful love! O wonderful love!) O wonderful, wonderful love, (Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful love!) My Savior showed to me. 2-3

O sinners! believe and adore This Savior, so rich to redeem; O Wonderful Love O sinners! believe and adore This Savior, so rich to redeem; No creature can ever explore The treasure of goodness in Him. O wonderful love! (O wonderful love! O wonderful love!) (wonderful love! O wonderful love!) O wonderful, wonderful love, (Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful love!) My Savior showed to me. 3-3