December 10th - December 14th, 2018 Mrs. Jensen’s News December 10th - December 14th, 2018 We are learning! One of our favorite stories this week was THE GINGERBREAD COWBOY. We tasted gingerbread and graphed if we liked it or not. We studied the letter Pp and Yy . We worked on finding these sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words. We are working hard at blending letter sounds together to make words. Ask your child was a nonsense word is. Our sight words this week were: like, my, run, jump, we & me. Please practice those words at home and keep on reading the little books I send home weekly. It really makes a difference! In math, we worked on comparing lengths. Ask your child what endpoints are. We also had a magic show to start off our new lesson. THANK YOU FOR SENDING DECORATING ITEMS FOR OUR GINGERBREAD HOUSES! Houses will be sent home after our program on the 18th. GREATNESS WORD: Organized Important Dates Dec. 18th– 2:00 & 6:30 Christmas Program Please drop your child off in the classroom at 6:15 sharp. Dec. 21st-January 1st No School Homework Practice the sight words and read the story Pat the Cat. Encourage your child to write sentences using the sight words they know. Practice counting objects and recognizing numbers to 20. Mrs. Jensen