EPER European Pollutant Emission Register
EPER EPER is based on Art. 15(3) of IPPC-Directive (1996) ...and a Commission Decision (2000) on the implementation of EPER
EPER MS deliver their data of reporting year 2001 by Sept. 2003 8 000 industrial facilities (IPPC, Annex I) 50 pollutants above certain thresholds Emissions to air and water, Transfer off- site of pollutants in water Internet launch on 23 Feb. 2004
EPER Reporting years / report to Commission 2001 June(Sept) 2003 (15 states) 2004 June 2006 (25 states) 2007 ??? ( E-PRTR ?) 2008
European PRTR (E-PRTR) … because of UN/ECE Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTRs) under the Aarhus Convention …. signed in Kiev, May 2003
EPER E-PRTR 50 pollutants 86 pollutants 56 activities 64 activities + releases to land + off-site transfers (waste) + diffuse sources ??? reporting every annual reporting three years + public participation
23 Feb. 2004: http://eper.cec.eu.int EPER-Website All about EPER and its Guidance Doc. http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/ ippc/eper/index.htm 23 Feb. 2004: http://eper.cec.eu.int
EPER Guidance Document (1) PART I: General Explanation ... 7. Quality aspects timeliness, completeness,uncertainty, comparability, consistency, transparency Emission determination methodology Classes M, C, E
EPER Guidance Document (2) Class M (“measuring”) emission data are based on measurements using standardised or accepted methods; often additional calculations are needed to convert the results of the measurements into annual emission data
EPER Guidance Document (3) Class C (“calculate”) emission data are based on calculations using nationally or internationally accepted estimation methods and emission factors, which are representative for the industrial sector
EPER Guidance Document (4) Class E (“estimate”) emission data are based on non-standardised estimations derived from best assumptions or expert guesses
EPER Guidance Document (5) PART II Reporting Requirements … 8. Reference to available emission determination methods Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook, IPCC Guidelines, EEA, US-EPA, UK, Australia, OECD, OSPARCOM, IPPC-BREF documents ...
EPER Guidance Document (6) PART III Specifications Appendix 3 : Indicative list of measuring methods for air and water pollutants Appendix 4 : Indicative sector-specific sub-lists for air pollutants
EPER Guidance needed ! 1. Air emissions from landfills (CH4, CO2) 2. Air emissions from agriculture (NH3, N2O) big pig and poultry farms 3. NMVOC from measured TOC data 4. PM10 from data of dust
Communication process “EPER/PRTR-experts” “TFEIP/EIONET- experts”