Surface Area and Volume Hockey Rink To make an outdoor hockey rink, a company has developed a package. They designed a vinyl(plastic) “bladder” that will hold the water for it to freeze. Once it is frozen, the top of the “bladder” is peeled off to uncover the ice. The dimensions of the vinyl are 40 ft by 20 ft by 2.5 ft. (rectangular prism) What is the surface area of the plastic that the company must use to make the bladder? If the rink is only filled with 4” of water, what is the volume of water needed?
If one cubic foot of water is equal to 7 If one cubic foot of water is equal to 7.38 gallons, how many gallons of water does it use? A garden hose can fill 3 gallons per minute, so how long would it take to fill the rink? The manufacturer must pay $0.17 per square foot. What is the cost to manufacture this rink? Cabela’s sporting goods sells the rink for $429.95. How much profit do they make?