To resolve the mystery of superfluidity and supersolidity: superfluidity as a Bose exchange effect 余永乐 武汉物理与数学研究所.


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Presentation transcript:

To resolve the mystery of superfluidity and supersolidity: superfluidity as a Bose exchange effect 余永乐 武汉物理与数学研究所

P. Kapitza Superfluidity in liquid He-4, 1938. D. D. Osheroff, R. C. Richardson, D. M. Lee Superfluidity in liquid He-3, 1972. E. Kim and M. H.W. Chan Superfluidity in Solid He-4, 2004.

Microscopic mechanism of Superfluidity : F. London, related Superfluidity with BEC, 1938 * O. Penrose, L. Onsager. C. N. Yang, off-diagonal long-range order * N. N. Bogoliubov’s theory

N=10 g=1

A metastable state at L=N, It carries a persistent current. N=10 g=1

A metastable state at L=N, It carries a persistent current. (Leggett, Rev. Mod. Phys. 73,(2001) See also, F. Bloch, Phys. Rev. A,7 (1973)) N=10 g=1

A metastable state at L=N, It carries a persistent current. (Leggett, Rev. Mod. Phys. 73,(2001) See also, F. Bloch, Phys. Rev. A,7 (1973)) Rotating frame with N=10 g=1

See also: F. Bloch, Phys. Rev. A, 7,2187(1973) G. M. Kavoulakis, et al. cond-mat/0510315

Exact diagonalization:

Exact diagonalization:

Exact diagonalization:

Exact diagonalization:

Small g, perturbation

Small g, perturbation

Small g, perturbation

Small g, perturbation

Small g, perturbation

Small g, perturbation

Small g, perturbation

Spinor system, each particle has two internal states,

Spinor system, perturbation again,

Spinor system, perturbation again,

Spinor system, perturbation again, New

Spinor system, perturbation again,

Spinor system, perturbation again,


Translation Along x by

Translation Along x by

Translation Along x by

Translation Along x by

Linear Dispersion

Second Minimum (Roton) Linear Dispersion

Superfluidity and supersolidity is a Bose exchange effect. This theory of this complex many-body phenomenon is simple, natural, straightforward, and crystal-clear. It is a victory of quantum mechanics! Once the quantum nature of superfluidity is revealed, The related important physical issues, such as the relationship between superfluidity and BEC, the origin of rotons, are resolved in a simple and natural way.