Composite Weak Bosons LHC
ATLAS at Large Hadron Collider / CERN
quarks - leptons - weak bosons Standard Model: quarks - leptons - weak bosons ==> pointlike
present limit on the substructure of leptons and quarks
- mass Problem for Standard Model
Mass: - 1686
- mass 1916 geometry ( General Relativity )
- mass universal
Standard Model two different types of mass generation
mass by confinement QCD
electroweak theory spontaneous symmetry breaking
proton weak boson ? <=mass=> H H
- alternative: mass generation confinement
===> weak bosons composite
v = 246 GeV => 0.3 TeV !! new interaction !!
Fritzsch and Mandelbaum (1981) Abbott and Farhi (1981) - old references: Bjorken (1977) Fritzsch and Mandelbaum (1981) Abbott and Farhi (1981) Barbieri and Mohapatra (1981) Fritzsch, Kogerler and Schildknecht (1982) Uehara and Yanagida (1985)
- new: Fritzsch (2010) arXiv:1010.1428
- masses of composite weak bosons ? analogy
- QCD quark masses = 0 no electromagnetism
Dynamical mixing of rho meson and photon: - QCD + QED Dynamical mixing of rho meson and photon:
- mixing parameter m decay constant
- m: mixing parameter m = 0.09
- mixing mass shift: 3.1 MeV
- masses of composite weak bosons ?
W ====>>> constituents
- lefthanded fermions
- electric charges
- haplons confined by gauge force QHD
- Gauge group of QHD: SU(n) ( e.g. SU(3) )
- mass scale of Q H D
- QHD Dynamical mixing of W-boson and photon
- mixing of W with photon m: mixing parameter
- Standard Model
- Q C D
- Q H D
- QCD + QED QHD+ QED ~10.4 GeV ~3.1 MeV
- W decay constant
- experimental data:
- -
- uncertainty: which gauge group for QHD?
of strong interactions - complexity at 1 T e V complexity of strong interactions at 1 G e V
- QCD 1 GeV
- QHD 1 TeV 0.8 TeV 0.081 TeV
- ? 1 TeV
- QCD QHD 63
- QHD 1 TeV
- unknown: coupling of W(2) etc. to fermions
- decay into weak bosons
- L H C p p
quarks <==> antiquarks - QHD interaction quarks <==> antiquarks p p
muon Z W Z
Z production at LHC: ~ 21 nb - Z production at LHC: ~ 21 nb ==> estimate of cross section for W production ~ 0.3 nb
- hadrons
- hadrons
- weak bosons composite weak interactions
d W u
d W u
leptons and quarks must be composite - weak interactions leptons and quarks must be composite
- What is ? ? : for leptons ==> lepton number ? : for quarks ==> color r - g - b
- simplest theory: leptons - quarks (fermion + scalar)
leptons - quarks
- 2 fermions 4 scalars
- 4 scalars inside leptons ks inside qu ar
- electric charges
- electric charges
s f interactions s f s s
- leptons
- red quarks
- + fermion scalar electron
- + scalar fermion red quark
- resonances: A: new boson ( e.g. the weak bosons )
- resonances: A: new boson new boson B: C: new fermion
- cross section for QHD interaction?
comparison with proton - proton inelastic scattering: size: 1000
- of all events QHD interaction
- QHD - resonance ~ 1 TeV
muon Z Z Z
muon W W neutrino
- quark – antiquark scattering:
- resonances:
- 1 TeV
- invariant mass: e.g. 1 TeV Z Z Z
- resonance
"strongly interacting systems" - leptons become "strongly interacting systems" " Q H D "
- TeV 1 0.8 TeV
- 7 TeV 7 TeV ~0.8 TeV
u - d - s - c - b - t
- Conclusions weak bosons, leptons and quarks are composite systems
weak boson => fermion + antifermion - weak boson => fermion + antifermion lepton, quark => fermion + scalar - masses of weak bosons, leptons and quarks ==>> confinement in QHD
- QHD - scattering of quarks, antiquarks and gluons at high energies:
formation of QHD resonances : - formation of QHD resonances : ~ 1 TeV
QHD resonances L H C