HIV in Europe Stockholm, 3.November 2009 Communication on combating HIV/AIDS in the EU and the neighbourhood - strategy and second action plan ( ) Gisela Lange DG SANCO
COMMISSION LEGISLATIVE AND WORK PROGRAMME 2009 Communication on combating HIV/AIDS in the EU and the neighbourhood - strategy and second action plan ( ) Adopted on 26 October 2009 Good press coverage - focus on late presenters
process Consultation with Member States and Civil Society Impact assessment Communication Action plan
structure – 2 nd strategy Priorities 1)Prevention 2) Priority groups and issues 3) Priority regions Continuity: political, leadership, civil society, Human rights Introduction – response – expected results
1. Introduction Public health concern, social dimension, transition to chronic condition Economic crisis and consequences No room for complacency in EU and neighbourhood Priorities: prevention, geographical areas, vulnerable groups
1.2. BACKGROUND and MOTIVATION time to assess – what are the challenges and needs for the next years? Added value of a policy at EU level Epidemiological situation and potential trends Political situation – declarations and commitments Legal and social situation – obstacles, particularities The first EU action plan on combating HIV/AIDS ( ) – impact: increase in political advocacy – Bremen, Council conclusions, strengthening of civil society, improved cooperation)…
2. THE RESPONSE - PRIORITIES 1. prevention primary and secondary prevention costly but cost- effective 2. priority regions- Eastern Europe: Member States, and Eastern ENP countries Focus on Ukraine, republic of Moldova, Russian Federation 3. priority groups most at risk of infection Cross cutting surveillance, research, monitoring and evaluation
2.1. PRIORITIES Prevention - adapt prevention strategies to match changing trends and shifts of epidemics in confined situations and to adapt prevention messages to new generations who have missed the original "AIDS shock" -solid evidence base and robust surveillance systems, including behavioural data to address key forces behind the epidemic - important aspects of prevention are : Respect of human rights sexual and reproductive rights of PLWHA effective comprehensive sexual education including knowledge about HIV/AIDS universal access to prevention, non discriminatory treatment and care Correct and consistent condom use Voluntary and counselled testing harm reduction
(i) States most concerned in the Union, especially Eastern Europe (ii) Countries in the Eastern neighbourhood Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation - address HIV/AIDS in future negotiations on bi- and multilateral agreements with third countries where necessary - invite ENP countries to EU meetings in order to facilitate trans- national cooperation on all levels - development of specific programmes setting out first line measures to improve the control of HIV/AIDS particularly in Eastern Europe - use financial EU instruments to support health systems and to finance specific measures against the spread of HIV and associated infections 2.2. PRIORITY Areas
2.3. Priority groups MSM PLWHA IDUs Migrants from high prevalence countries and mobile populations –
3.Action Plan priorities identified, attribution of tasks to be discussed in Think Tank exchange of best practice on targeted prevention - particular focus on migrants and mobile populations VCT Behavioural studies Abolish travel restrictions for PLWHA Training of medical staff
3. EXPECTATED RESULTS (i) A decrease of the level of HIV transmission (ii) A real improvement of the quality of life of PLWHA (iii) Improve the education, knowledge and awareness on HIV/AIDS (iv) Strengthen the solidarity towards an unambiguous response to HIVAIDS