LISELL-B Investigation Role Cards
Principal Investigator(s) Is there a model we can use to explain what we are doing? Are there variables we need to control to have a fair test? What causes and effects to we expect to see? Do we have a hypothesis about what we will find? What is our hypothesis? What is the question we are trying to answer? Questions/prompts for Principal Investigator(s) Principal Investigator(s) Lead discussion of purpose of investigation and questions to be answered Lead discussion of LISELL-B practice being used during investigation Make sure everyone follows their role and stays on task Ask questions during investigation to check for understanding
Questions/prompts for Translator(s) Do you all agree with what I wrote here? What information do we need so we can fill out the Lab Notes Template? How can we explain the main idea of what we found out? How could we say this in academic language? How could we say this in everyday language? What do we think this sentence means? Questions/prompts for Translator(s) Translator(s) Read the investigation directions to the group Translate academic language in directions into everyday language for the group Prepare written explanation of groups’ work in everyday language Translate everyday language into academic language for final written report
Questions/prompts for Lab Technician(s) Are there any materials that have not been cleaned up and put away? Did everyone had a chance to [name how data is collected]? Does anyone want to practice using the [name of tool for data collection]? Are there any materials we need that we don’t have? Questions/prompts for Lab Technician(s) Lab Technician(s) Make sure the group has all the needed materials Review how to use the materials correctly and safely Lead the data collection but make sure that everyone participates Makes sure that materials are cleaned and returned properly at end of investigation
Questions/prompts for Data Manager(s) What can we conclude based on our data? How can we represent our data using graphs or models? How should our data be recorded and organized? What observations or measurements do we need to make? Questions/prompts for Data Manager(s) Data Manager(s) Lead discussion on data that should be collected Organize data tables and checks that data are being recorded correctly Lead discussion of how data should be represented in graphs or other models Help interpret data for the translator