ALL ABOUT MARS 5 slides full with facts.
Facts about MARS A lot of planets are bigger than Earth. For example,318 Earths could fit inside of Jupiter. Mars is not quite so big. In fact, Mars is one of only two planets in the solar system to be significantly smaller than Earth.
MARS Mars is more than 142 million miles from the sun. The planet is about one-sixth the size of Earth. Mars is know as the Red Planet.It gets its red colour from the iron in its soil. Mars has two small moons named Phobos and Deimos. Their names mean fear and panic in Latin. Phobos and Deimos are not round like our moon. They are much smaller and have irregular shapes.
MARS We don’t know who exactly discovered mars . We do know it was named after the roman god of war , because its reddish colour reminded people of blood.
mars Scientists believe that the debris will fall back to the planet, but do not know how long it would take. Mars may develop a ring system in the future. Scientists know that Mar's moon, Phobos, is in a decaying orbit around the planet. ... Many moons in our Solar System have come to orbit their primaries in this fashion. Olympus Mons is a shield volcano on Mars and it is the largest volcano in the Solar System. Located in the Tharsis region of the planet along with three Olympus Mons is a shield volcano on Mars and it is the largest volcano in the Solar System. Located in the Tharsis region of the planet along with other large volcanoes, Olympus Mons measures an incredible 27 km in height and is 3 times taller than Mount Everest.
MARS A day on Mars is 1 day 0 hours 40 miniuets The atmosphere of Mars is about 100 times thinner than Earth's, and it is 95 percent carbon dioxide. Here's a breakdown of its composition, according to a NASA fact sheet: Carbon dioxide: 95.32 percent. Nitrogen: 2.7 percent. The size on mars is 3,390 km The gravity on Mars is 3,390 km