Who came After Augustus The Early Empire Who came After Augustus Nero was also a vicious man He killed his mother and his 2 wives He is remembered to have “Fiddle while Rome burned” in 64 AD
Who came After Augustus The Early Empire Who came After Augustus Rumors spread that Nero set Rome on fire Nero blamed it on the Christians and punished them severely Nero eventually committed suicide
Unity and Prosperity After Nero’s reign, Rome passed through a period of disorder until Vespasian took the throne. Vespasian began construction of the colosseum
Unity and Prosperity After Vespasian his sons Titus and Domitian ruled Rome. Both saw an era of growth and prosperity
Unity and Prosperity During Titus’s reign 2 disasters struck. Rome was destroyed by a fire. Mount Vesuvius erupted destroying Pompeii
Unity and Prosperity The Good Emperors Hadrian Nerva Trajan Antoninus Pius Marcus Aurelius Presided over nearly a century of prosperity from : AD 96- 180
Unity and Prosperity The Good Emperors Agriculture increased Trade increased Standard of living rose
Unity and Prosperity The Good Emperors Created programs to help ordinary people Gave money to help people raise and educate their children Hadrian made law easier to understand.
Unity and Prosperity The Good Emperors Antoninus Pius passed laws to help orphans They built bridges, roads, monuments, harbors and aqueducts. Aqueduct- human made channel for carrying water long distances
Unity and Prosperity A Unified Empire Empire reached its largest size under Trajan. Spread beyond the Med, north into Britain, and East into Mesopotamia
Unity and Prosperity A Unified Empire Hadrian realized the empire was to large to manage so he pulled his span of control back. Northern boundaries set at the Rhine and Danube Rivers He built Hadrians wall across north Britain to keep the Scots and the Picts out
Unity and Prosperity A Unified Empire In AD 100 the Roman Empire was one of the greatest in History. Included 3.5 million sq. mi. What unified the empire was Roman Law, Roman Rule, and shared identity as Romans
Unity and Prosperity A Unified Empire Agriculture was the most important part of the economy Traders came from all over the empire to ports of Italy. 2 of the largest ports were Puteoli and Ostia