Soviet Union under Stalin What methods does Stalin use to maintain control?
I. Stalin’s Economic Plan - Industry A. 1928: Stalin ends NEP, starts his economic plan, the 5 Year Plans 1. Stalin’s goal is rapid industrialization a. Quotas were raised for production of steel, oil, coal & electricity, which will limit regular consumer goods 2. Although the high goals aren’t met, Soviets made huge gains II. Agriculture A. Gov took control of all private farms 1. Farms combined into “collective farms” – producing food for state Ukrainian Terror Famine B. Ukrainian kulaks resisted 1. 1932: Stalin orders the liquidation of the kulaks a. 3 million killed, 2 million starved to death during Ukrainian Terror Famine C. 10 million Soviet citizens were killed during Stalin’s collectivization plan
III. Stalin’s Weapons of Terror A. Stal.’s Methods Examples 1. Great Purge a. Police terror using Cheka to eliminate opponents b. Sent people to Gulags (prison camps) c. Launches Great Purge (8 to 13 million killed) 2. Propaganda a. Used artwork, posters & media to spread word of how good the Soviet Union is doing – enemies airbrushed out of pictures 3. Censorship a. Official newspaper Pravda prints only what Stalin tells them to print 4. Religious Persecution a. Soviet Union is an atheist state b. Must teach communism, not religion 5. Indoctrination a. Government controls all schools b. Virtues of communism are taught c. Teachers who resist are victims of Great Purge
Translation: Beloved Stalin is the people's happiness!