A guide & work in progress The Primordial Gods A guide & work in progress
Primordial Gods “Primordial Deities” “Protogenoi” or first beings Also known as… “Primordial Deities” “Protogenoi” or first beings Proto means “first, primary” | “Gen” Precursor “Elementals” – meaning they had no bodies They are the basic components of the universe which were emerged at creation. They included Earth, Air, Sea, Sky, Fresh Water, Underworld, Darkness, Night, Light, Day, Procreation and Time.
Chaos Tartarus Gaia Eros Nyx Erebus Aether Hemera Typhon Uranus Ourea (Mountains) Pontus Momos Ponos Moros Thanatos Hypnos Geras The Hesperides The Keres & The Moiria Nemesis Apate Philotes Eris
Your Slide Origin of the Monster/Creature (parents or creation) Roman Name? Male or female? What are they the god of? / Where do they dwell? Any important relationships to other gods or fun facts Picture or Artist’s Rendering
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