Year 2 Spring Term Week 12 Lesson 5 Handling Data Year 2 Spring Term Week 12 Lesson 5
Today we will be learning to: solve problems involving information record findings as a block graph explain results.
Make number sentences using three of the numbers. Mental Activity 12 4 10 3 27 16 9 20 37 Make number sentences using three of the numbers.
Today we are going to be representing information as a block graph. Main Activity Today we are going to be representing information as a block graph.
What do you remember about the last maths lesson? Making decisions Collecting data Presenting the information What does your information mean?
Today you are going to carry out your own survey. You will use a block graph.
How will you collect data? Tally chart How will you collect data? What are tally marks? Put 10 tally marks in the box.
Choose someone's data from yesterday. What is a block graph? Choose someone's data from yesterday. How do you label the block graph axes?
Choose someone's data from yesterday. What is a block graph? Choose someone's data from yesterday. How would you transfer tally marks to the graph?
Group Work Work in the same groups as in the last lesson. Make up four unlikely ‘options’ that you think your friends would like to do. Make a tally chart. Make a block chart on graph paper. What did you find out?