RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY From our last study, entitled “Believers’ walk and wisdom”, we learnt that believers are called to walk in love, purity, godliness and wisdom. Those who profess faith in Christ must show it by godly living. It is deception to claim we are going to heaven while we live on like sinners. We must watch and pray so we do not fall into temptation. We must be filled with the Spirit and commit our lives to fruitful labour for God’s kingdom. “…redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”
TODAY’S STUDY: LESSON 736: PRECEPTS FOR CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE MEMORY VERSE: …… “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband” (Ephesians 5:33). TEXT: Ephesians 5:22-33
INTRODUCTION Our study highlights the godly attributes that should be seen in believers in a marital relationship. It focuses on the duties of the husband to the wife and vice versa. We learn that that the union between husband and wife is a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church. This confirms the scriptural truth that marriage is between man and woman. God will judge every form of perversion in this holy union. QUESTION 1: From the text, why are precepts for marriage union important? – Eph 5:22-25
THE WIFE’S LOYALTY AND SUBMISSION TO THE HUSBAND Ephesians 5:21-24; I Peter 3:1,2 It is the wife’s duty to submit to her husband in a loyal and loving way. The wife is a joint heir of the grace of life with her husband and not a slave; yet it is a divine order that she submits to her husband regardless of his spiritual state or social estate. The godly life of the wife is a living epistle, which can win her unsaved husband to Jesus. QUESTION 2: Point out the characteristics of a wife’s genuine submission to her husband – Col 3:18; Eph 5:22,24; I Pet 3:5,6
THE HUSBAND’S LOVING AND SACRIFICIAL CARE FOR THE WIFE Ephesians 5:25 The husband should love his wife as Jesus loves the church. Christ’s sacrificial and sanctifying love for the church is the model for the husband’s love for his wife. This love makes submission easy for the wife. The husband should love the wife as his own body. He should treat her as he would treat himself – with care, honour and respect. QUESTION 3: State the qualities of love the husband is expected to show his wife – Eph 5:25; Jer 31:3; Isa 62:5 QUESTION 4: What are the primary ways a Christian husband can show love to his wife? – Joh 17:24; Gen 25:21; I Pet 3:7
CHRIST’S ULTIMATE PURPOSE FOR THE CHURCH Ephesians 5:26,27 The church is the Bride of Christ. He purchased her at a very great price because of His love for her. He died and rose again to secure her. His ultimate purpose is to present the church to himself holy and righteous in an unending union. To achieve this he prayed for her sanctification (John 17:17). He desired it and wills it for every believer (I Thes 4:3). QUESTION 5: How does Jesus Christ show His love to the church? – I Cor 6:20; John 17:17; Eph 5:26,27
CONCLUSION The true measure of a Christian home is not it’s abundant material possessions but the quality of love, care and submission that exists in it. The submission of the wife to her husband reflects her submission to Christ. The love of the husband shows His obedience to Christ. And as the Church is the Bride of Christ, every believer – married or unmarried – should endeavour to be part of the universal, heaven-bound church.