Recorder—Review Do we remember?!?!
How many counts is Quarter Note?
The Quarter Note Gets 1 Count!! Ta
How many counts is the Quarter Rest
Yes, the Quarter Rest gets 1 Count!!! Remember that the quarter rest does the same as the quarter note but the only difference is that you count this beat in silence!!!!
How many counts is the Half Note?
The Half Note gets 2 counts TA-AA
How many counts is the Half Rest
Yup, it is 2 counts! 2 counts of silence!
How many counts is the Whole Note?
TA-AA-AA-AA That’s right…4 counts!!! Hmmm…Is it just me, or the whole note looks like a yummy donut?!?! Weird, right!!!
How about the Whole Rest?
It is 4 counts! 4 counts of silence!!!!! Now, how about this rest… it looks like a hole in the ground, right?!
Tell me about the Bar Lines…
What are the bar lines for? The bar lines help us group music beat into measures. A measure has certain number of beats for example on a 4/4 measure we can group 4 beats and use a bar line to divide the measures!!! 1-2-3-4 | 1-2-3-4 |
What about the Double Bar Line
It means…the end of a piece!!! When you see a double bar line it means that is the end of a song!
Who Remember the Rules…??? Sit up Straight Put your teeth on top Point the recorder at the Knees Whisper “Du” to play LEFT Hand on top Cover the holes COMPLETELY Blow soft warm air/Blowing steem Play recorder in music or at home only WAIT TO PLAY—if you don’t wait, what will happen? FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS AND MAKE GOOD CHOICES!
Let’s get ready to play… Remember to COVER THE HOLES And if your teacher is talking you must WAIT… If you play while your teacher is talking… what’s going to happen? You got it, you will have to put your recorder on the bag and put it away… needless to say that you will also get a conduct mark for not following directions, rules, and disrespecting your teacher! Remember to make good choices!!!!!!
Who remember the notes we’ve learned?! We will begin with B How do you play B?
Show me B fingers 1 and 2
Let’s get ready to play…
How do we play A?? Which fingers do we use? Again, which hand goes on top? Show me the fingers we use again… Please, make sure you are covering all the holes….
Play A—Figers 1, 2, and 3
Let’s Play A
Show me G
Let’s play G fingers 1, 2, 3 and 4
Let’s use our brains!
Let’s Review!
What is this?
And this?
Tell me…
What note is this?
You must know this one!!!