Your Damascus Road Experience “Supernatural Salvation” Ebenezer Baptist Church 1.27.19
Same Condition On life’s journey, doing our own thing. Just walking on the road to “Damascus”. Most of us had a “knowledge” of God but were clueless as to the power (II Tim. 3:5; Acts 22:3) Enemy of God (Phil 3:18; Rom. 8:7-8) Self sufficient, self ambitious (Acts 26:9)
Condemned by the law Blind to the truth (II Cor. 4:4) Dead in Trespasses(push away from the truth) and Sin(miss the mark) (Eph. 2:1-3) Deceitful and Desperately wicked (Jer. 17:6) Good works are filthy(Isa. 64:6) Do no good(Rom 3) vs. 11-Spiritually ignorant, indifferent, crooked and unprofitable.
Foolish, disobedient, deceived (Titus 3:3) Slave to sin (Jn. 8:34) Saul/Paul-describes himself as being in opposition to God (otherwise it requires a change)
Same Christ The same Jesus that was revealed to and met Saul is the same Jesus that was revealed to you and met you. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8) Light of the World (Acts 9:3; 22; 26:13; John 8:12; 12:35-36; 44-46) Without which we remain in darkness.
Omnipresence of Christ and His pursuit of you are inseparable Omnipresence of Christ and His pursuit of you are inseparable. He is relentless and you can run but you can’t hide. (Psa. 139:7-12) Resistance to the propagation of the gospel of Christ(as was Paul’s stated aim) is a useless effort. Christ’s word’s are powerful and will humble the proudest (Acts 9:4-5; 22:7-10)
Christ may likely single you out of a crowd of people for His redeeming work. (Acts 22:9) Christ directives demand obedience and His words will change our plans. The Christ who saved Paul is the same who saved you or the same who will save you.
The Same Conclusion A Realization of his Former Condition (I Tim. 1:13-15; Acts 22:3-5; Acts 26:9-11) It is always a humbling reminder of the glorious grace of God that (Rom. 5:1-10) Realization of his Call and purpose (I Tim. 1:12-17; Acts 22:14-15) He was counted faithful Entrusted him with the gospel Called by grace, mercy and love
Showed longsuffering to Paul so others would see Christ Entrusted him with great suffering and affliction. Acts 26:16-18-God’s purpose for Paul and for us. Realized His Struggle and Hope (Rom. 7:14-25) Salvation guarantees our freedom from the bondage of sin eternally but not from the struggle with sin.
Realized His Need for continued communication with the Lord for His wellbeing and that of others. (Acts 22:17-21; I Cor. 1:6; Eph. 1:16; Phil 1:4; Col 1:9; I Thess. 1:2, 5:17) You have been saved/redeemed from the same condition, by the same Christ for the same conclusion. Your Damascus Road experience was a supernatural work…tell someone!