PARTNERSHIP WORKING Individual Clinician/therapy Partnership working 2
Case Study 30 year old ex-Army early service leaver (served 3 years) who has been referred to MVS on three occasions prior to this current presentation. He has not previously engaged with the service due to being imprisoned for a drink related assault and following his release he became homeless and moved out of area. The current referral was made by the local IAPT following a presentation to A&E with an overdose and he was identified by his GP as needing treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The client had been referred to a number of agencies and services, however he had been unable to maintain his engagement usually due to an eruption of his anger, bouts of heavy drinking and aggression.
Benefits Challenges Comprehensive treatment package Miscommunication Containment Splitting, Projection & Boundaries Shared information, knowledge, skill Co-ordination/decision making Smooth transitions of care timescales Shared responsibility Expectations Shared risk Agreeing a Plan Maximise Effective treatment Conflict/differences of opinions Generates trust with staff & clients Personality clashes Shared resources
What works Defined boundaries, so that the contribution of each partner is explicit and clear Agreeing protocols for working together Prior Agreement or thought about how conflicts will be resolved Shared goals, aim – ‘working off the same page’ Valuing what each member/service of the partnership brings Understanding what each professional or service brings Clear communication – which includes not using jargon