Set-1. Answers to Bacterial gel 1.760 2. 245 3. 16 spots 4.142/760 x 100 i.e.18.68% 5. 71-26 = 45. 6. 20 spots 7. 20/760 x 100 i.e.2.63% 8. 47-12 = 35. 9.(i) Spot ID: 2082 pI : ~4.53 Mol. weight : 24.9 kDal (ii) Spot ID: 1999 pI : ~4.90 Mol. weight : 75.2 kDal
Supportive material
1. Project Summary: Groups Control(1 image) Project Name Bacterial sample 2D-Gels for Analysis. Project Creation Date ……………… Author ………………… Description Bacterial sample Control vs Drug treated Groups Control(1 image) 780spots transferred from fused image 96 spots cancelled Drug Treated(1 image) 780 spots transferred from fused image Vector Matching :245
3.Figure showing Molecular weight to pI pI index 85 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Molecular weight (kDal) pI : ~4.53 Mol. weight : 24.9 kDal pI : ~4.90 Mol. weight : 75.2 kDal
4.1.Differential expression : Up regulation No. of folds (and above) No.of spots 2 142 4 71 6 36 8 26 10 16 12 15 Up regulation x Folds or above No. of spots showing up regulation
4.2.Differential expression : Down regulation No. of folds (and above) No.of spots 2 174 4 47 6 20 8 12 10 15 1 Down regulation x Folds or above No. of spots showing up regulation
Set -1. Answer of Serum sample 1. 349 spots 2. 109 3. 16 spots 4. 69/349 x 100 i.e.19.77% 5. 33-16 = 17 6. 28 spots 7. 48/349 x 100 i.e.13.75 % 8. 83-28 = 55 9.(i) Spot ID: 2082 pI : 5.28 Mol. weight : 44.8 kDal (ii) Spot ID: 1999 pI : ~5.26 Mol. weight : 65.2 kDal
Supportive material
Project Summary: Groups Control(1 image) Control - Healthy person Project Name Serum sample 2D-Gels for Analysis. Project Creation Date ………………………………… Author ………………. Description Healthy vs diseased patient Groups Control(1 image) Control - Healthy person 349spots transferred from fused image 97 spots cancelled Diseased (1 image) P.falciparum diseased serum sample 349 spots transferred from fused image Vector Matching : 109
3.Figure showing Molecular weight to pI pI index 85 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Molecular weight (kDal) pI : 5.28 Mol. weight : 44.8 kDal pI : 5.26 Mol. weight : 65.2 kDal
Differential expression : Up regulation No. of folds (and above) No.of spots 2 69 3 47 4 39 5 33 8 21 10 16 15 20 25 50 75 1 Up regulation x Folds or above No. of spots showing up regulation
4.2.Differential expression : Down regulation No. of folds (and above) No. of spots 2 83 3 48 4 37 5 28 7 13 10 11 15 30 Down regulation x Folds or above No. of spots showing up regulation