2016 Load and Enrols Summary Prepared by the Office of Strategic Planning and Information 29 March 2017
Contents Total Enrolments and Load By Commencing Status By Course Level By Mode By Fund Source By Cohorts of Interest By Campus Type By Faculty (Arts & Ed, BJBS, Science) Load Yield by Cohorts of Interest Load Yield by Faculty Contents
2016 Load and Enrols Summary In 2016 total enrolments have increased by 6.2% and load by 2.6% (including CEP/UCWE*) however due to a significant rise in UCWE enrols, all other figures exclude these courses. Total enrolments (excl. CEP/UCWE) up 1.9% and load 1.3% (five year growth: 9.4%) Commencing enrols up 3.0% and load up 2.5% (five year growth: 9.9%) Undergrad enrols down 4.0%; load down 4.5% (five year decline: 7.3%) Postgrad enrols up 13.7%; load up 17.0% (five year growth: 81.8%) Internal enrols up 7.6%; load up 2.7% (five year growth: 13.9%) Online enrols down 1.8%; load down 0.5% (five year growth: 3.5%) CGS UG enrols down 2.2%; load down 2.5% (five year decline: 3.0%) Main campus enrols down 2.5%; load down 2.4% (five year decline: 3.8%) Third Party campus enrols up 25.8%; load up 19.4% (five year growth: 100.4%) A significant increase was seen in Study Centre courses (additional 1700 enrolments in Sydney and Melbourne; 780 EFTSL) accounting for the majority of growth seen in the following areas: Postgrad Internal Fee Paying (Overseas) Third Party Campuses Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences *University Certificate Workplace Essentials course
Total enrolments (commencing and continuing) are shown with CEP and UCWE both included and excluded. These courses are excluded from the rest of this analysis due to the sharp rise in CEP/UCWE enrolments in 2016. Total enrolments (excluding CEP and UCWE) have increased by 1.9% since 2015 (and 10.5% in the last five years) and total load by 1.3% (and 9.4% in the last five years). Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments
Commencing enrolments have increased by 3. 0% since 2015 (10 Commencing enrolments have increased by 3.0% since 2015 (10.4% over five years) while commencing load has increased by 2.5% since 2015 (9.9% over five years). Continuing enrolments have increased by 1.1% (10.7% over five years) while continuing load has increased by 0.4% (8.9% over five years). Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments excluding CEP and UCWE courses
Undergrad enrolments have dropped by 3 Undergrad enrolments have dropped by 3.4% over five years while load has dropped by 7.3% in the same period. Postgrad enrolments have experienced 13.7% growth in the last year and 54.3% growth over the last five years. Postgrad load has increased even more significantly with 17.0% growth in the last year and 81.8% growth in the last five years. Increase in Postgrad enrols and load is largely due to Masters by Coursework in the Melbourne and Sydney Study Centres. With Third Party campuses excluded Postgrad load has a five year growth rate of 10.5%. Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments excluding CEP and UCWE courses
Internal enrolments have seen an increase of 7. 6% since 2015 and a 27 Internal enrolments have seen an increase of 7.6% since 2015 and a 27.1% increase over the last five years. Internal load however has increased by 2.7% since 2015 with a 13.9% increase in the last five years. Increase in internal enrolments is largely due to Study Centre – Masters by Coursework. With Third Party campuses excluded, internal load has declined by 5.5% over five years. Online enrolments have dropped slightly in the last year but had an increase in the last five years (enrols by 1.1%; load by 3.5%). Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments excluding CEP and UCWE courses
The increase in Fee Paying Overseas is largely due to Study Centre - Masters by Coursework (58.6% over five years). CGS – UG load is down by 3.0% over five years. Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments excluding CEP and UCWE courses
Undergrad Internal load has dropped by 11 Undergrad Internal load has dropped by 11.0% over five years while Undergrad Online has remained steady. Postgrad Online has had steady growth at 9.8% over five years. Postgrad Internal load growth of 380.1% over five years is driven by the increase in Masters by Coursework within BJBS. Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments excluding CEP and UCWE courses
Third Party Campuses (specifically Study Centres Melbourne & Sydney) have seen a significant increase with over 1700 additional enrols and 780 EFTSL. The majority of enrols are in Master of Information Technology (with Specialisations) and Master of Professional Accounting. Main campuses have dropped in load by 3.8% over five years. Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments excluding CEP and UCWE courses
Faculty of Arts & Education load has been in steady decline with a drop of 16.6% over five years, driven by decrease in internal Bachelor students. Faculty of Science load has increased by 10.6% in five years and Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences has increased by 39.1%. The increase in BJBS is driven by Masters by Coursework in Study Centres. Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments excluding CEP and UCWE courses
Arts & Ed Undergrad decline over five years (11 Arts & Ed Undergrad decline over five years (11.2% in enrols; 20% in load) is driven by decrease in internal enrolments, particularly in School of Education and Teacher Education. Load yield in Undergrad courses has reduced from 62% to 56% in five years. Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments excluding CEP and UCWE courses
BJBS Undergrad has experienced decline over five years (2 BJBS Undergrad has experienced decline over five years (2.4% in enrols; 9.4% in load). Load yield in Undergrad courses has reduced from 59% to 55% in five years. BJBS postgrad increase is driven by Masters by Coursework in Study Centres. BJBS Postgrad’s five year growth of 156.5% is reduced to 11.6% when Third Party campuses are excluded. Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments excluding CEP and UCWE courses
Science undergrad enrols are up slightly on last year (0 Science undergrad enrols are up slightly on last year (0.9%) while load is down (0.7%). However, over five years undergrad courses have had steady growth with 4.2% increase in enrols and 8.3% increase in load. Load yield is strong at 70%. Postgrad has also seen a steady rise in enrols (17.7%) and load (30.9%) over five years. Scope: Full year CSU student enrolments excluding CEP and UCWE courses
Load yield for Undergrad Internal students is on a gradual decline with a loss of 1.9 percentage points (pp) over five years. Undergrad Online has a more subtle decline of 0.7pp. Postgrad Internal is less stable and has lost 4.9pp over five years while Postgrad Online has grown by 1.2pp. Scope: Full year CSU student load excluding CEP and UCWE courses
Load yield for Arts & Education has declined by 4 Load yield for Arts & Education has declined by 4.8 percentage points (pp) over five years but plateaued in the last year. BJBS has remained relatively stable with a loss of only 0.9pp over five years while Science has seen growth of 2.5pp in the same period. Scope: Full year CSU student load excluding CEP and UCWE courses
Information/Data Source CSU Course Enrolments and Course Load pivots Scope Full year CSU student enrolments & load Notes Due to changes to the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) (3416EP01), all 2016 figures have been adjusted to reflect ‘true’ commencing enrolments. Mode figures are calculated based on the Course Attendance Mode for both Enrols and Load. Further information and resources https://www.csu.edu.au/unistats/products/course-enrolments https://www.csu.edu.au/unistats/products/subject-load-and-enrolments