Expanding Accessible Apprenticeship Models in Emerging Sectors: California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI) Josh Christianson Project Director Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology Corinne Weible Deputy Project Director Caleb van Docto Associate Social Policy Research Associates Jessie Oettinger Senior Associate CAI Webinar December, 2018
PEAT works to help employers, IT companies, and others to understand why it pays to build and buy accessible technology, and how to do so.
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Stay Connected! Interested in DOL/ODEP’s efforts on disability apprenticeship and/or participate in the community of practice? Let us know!
Contact Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology info@peatworks.org Caleb van Docto Caleb_vanDocto@spra.com Jessie Oettinger Jessie_Oettinger@spra.com