HELCOM WORK Submitted by the Contracting Parties in HELCOM that are also EU member states Name Surname
Questions What is the issue to be tackled (lists of elements, criteria threshold values, integration rules)? In which region and by which Member States? What mechanism will be used to prepare for this work at regional or subregional level? What are the timelines for delivering the work? Name Surname
Region The Baltic Sea region as defined under Article 4 of the MSFD. Core indicators are Baltic wide, whenever ecologically relevant, and the area of applicability is expressed through HELCOM assessment units defined in the HELCOM Monitoring and Assessment strategy Attachment 4. From: Technical document on the delineation of MSFD Article 4 marine regions and subregions Name Surname
Lists of elements Gaps and potential issues have not yet been properly mapped. Work will be coordinated under HELCOM State & Conservation, GEAR and HELCOM groups, as well as Expert Networks and existing groups linked to these. HELCOM State & Conservation is expected to take an initial decision on the process and timeline for development of those lists for which a regional approach is required in October 2017. Name Surname
Criteria threshold values Name Surname
Criteria threshold values Further indicator development, both with regards to new indicators and spatial and thematic coverage of existing indicators is needed. The existing HELCOM indicator framework will be used. A draft of codified guidelines are under development within HELCOM. Ongoing initiatives relating to the update to the State of the Baltic Sea Report will run throughout 2017 and the first half of 2018. The overall work on HELCOM indicators is an ongoing effort. Name Surname
Integration rules Initial steps were taken to address requirements in the HOLAS II project. Experience gained can provide input to further discussion. However, a detailed analysis of EU- requirements and HELCOM-tools is missing. Work will be coordinated under HELCOM State & Conservation, GEAR and HELCOM Expert Networks and existing groups linked to these. HELCOM State & Conservation is intended to initiate work on a process to get agreements on the integration of criteria/indicators for which a regional approach is required in October 2017. Name Surname
Thank you Name Surname