Schools Head of the River 2010 COURSE DIAGRAM - not to scale with many thanks to Dave Gledhill See separate plan for route to start and marshalling instructions Coxes – read instructions for returning to Middlesex Clubs Medical Boathouses 12 Safety Launch Hazards Racing course Return course Marker Buoy Sons / Latymer MIDDLESEX Dove Pier t ARA/AK/Furnival Oliver's Eyot Hammersmith Bridge Chiswick Eyot Kew Rail Bridge Corney Reach ULBC Chiswick Pier St Pauls Slipway Marshalling area See separate diagram MAA / Quintin Harrods Barnes Bridge Emanuel Fulham FC Chiswick Bridge TSS TTRC See instructions to crews for instructions on turning Long START Barn Elms Boathouse Putney Road Bridge FINISH Putney Rail Brdge White Hart Pub Westminster School Boathouse Finish and Ranelagh Sailing Club Budweiser Brewery SURREY Issue 1.0 DG