Project GabE ECE 135 – Spring 2005 Presentation 10 Patrick Crosby Omar Al-Jadda Adam Durity Rahmin Sarabi
Progress Report Tested and verified functioning Rx Tested and verified functioning Tx Updated our board design Ordered additional parts Ordered and received second board
Gantt Chart
Rx Testing Test with input from pattern generator Very good eye pattern 40dB Attenuation 70dB Attenuation
Tx Testing - Conservative 0dB/205ohm 0dB/515ohm
Tx Testing - Aggressive 0dB/810ohm
GabE Board Design 2.0
GabE Board Design 2.0 Fixed power connector Changed orientation of VCSEL Gave the ground plane around the Tx chip more space Aggressive design strives to achieve LC spacing but violates many design rules
Financial Budget
Upcoming Week Build GabE Board Design 2.0 Begin extensive testing of new design Loopback tests Attenuation