The Salt of the Earth Matthew 5:13.


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Presentation transcript:

The Salt of the Earth Matthew 5:13

Salt: Necessary for Life The Salt of the Earth Life cannot be sustained without salt Salt was extremely valuable in the ancient world Properly stored salt will remain fresh for long periods of time. Salt: Necessary for Life

The Salt of the Earth Salt: Provides Flavor Salt does not enhance flavor due to similarities, but due to differences Salt: Provides Flavor

The Salt of the Earth Salt: Provides Flavor "2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:2 KJV Salt: Provides Flavor

The Salt of the Earth Salt: Provides Flavor Salt does not enhance flavor due to similarities, but due to differences We cannot allow our contact with this world to leach away our enthusiasm for serving the Lord Salt: Provides Flavor

The Salt of the Earth Salt: Provides Flavor Jesus embodied this concept He did not isolate Himself from the common man He did not bind burdens difficult to bear; rather He taught love and mercy Salt: Provides Flavor

The Salt of the Earth Salt Irritates We must be an irritant toward those that live in immoral indulgence We must be an irritant in the manner of Jesus By living a life of righteousness and compassion he irritated the established norm Salt Irritates

The Salt of the Earth Salt Purifies Salt purifies by destroying that which is harmful We should live in such a way that our very presence prevents certain activities We must learn to expose the darkness by shedding light on it Eph 5:1-11 Salt Purifies

The Salt of the Earth Salt Produces Thirst The more salt we ingest the more water we crave We need to be making people “thirsty” for the water of life This is accomplished through: Righteous, Godly living Sharing the good news of salvation Salt Produces Thirst