Juni 14 1 New actors in MATSim –T: Agent based retailers F. Ciari IVT – ETH Zürich MATSim Seminar - Castasegna
2 Motivations Modelling as agents actors which are not persons Making explicit the role of retailers in MATSim Modeling retailers reactions to road pricing in the Zürich area Modeling an extensive car sharing system for Zürich General Specific
3 Reaction of retailers to road pricing Hypothesis: Introduction of road pricing policy in the Zürich region Integration of a land use simulator in MATSim Location choice behaviour of retailers Strategies of retailers facing the introduction of road pricing Effects on the transportation demand side
4 Car sharing Hypothesis : Introduction of a large scale car sharing operator in the Zürich region Evaluating the demand for the large-scale Car Sharing operator with MATSim Studying its technical feasibility Studying its effects (social costs)
5 Retailers in MATSim Conceptual level Location (Movement) Employer (Primary activity) Facility (Secondary activity location) Structure Attributes Knowledge Objective(s)
6 Retailers attributes Location (base year) Amount of needed daily/weekly shoppers/ expenditures Amount of floor space (capacity) Property portfolio Rented or owned floor space Rent Price Level Jobs per shop Income per worker Advertising level
7 Retailers objective Maximization of: Profit Revenue Dimension (floor space) Customers …
8 Strategies (Re)-Location Opening of new outlets (or closure of existing ones) Re-sizing of existing outlets Refurbishment Rebranding Acquire competitors
9 Techniques for the location choice Experience Checklists Multiple regression Cluster and factor analysis Spatial integration (gravity) Expert system
10 Retailers knowledge Land market Available properties on the market Rents/prices for shops and residential housing Own branch market Competitors position Competitors dimension Competitors prices Customers Primary activity locations of persons (Home and work locations)
11 Agents as Consumers Agents in MATSim are not yet explicitly modeled as consumers Already in MATSim Home location Work/education location Gender Mobility tool ownership Not yet in MATSim (or to be re-defined/improved) Expenditure Leisure time Personal and or household income Activity space
12 Actors of the land market Individuals Retailers Public administrations (Policy Makers) Developers Firms / Companies
13 Uses Prognosis of future retailers location Modification on the transportation demand side (i.e. caused by a change on the transport supply side in turn) and evaluation of retailers reaction Introduction of new retailers and evaluation of the transportation demand side reaction
14 Static approach Initial Demand Location process of retailers Person Re-planning (Optimization)
15 Dynamic approach Initial Demand Location process of retailers Person Re-planning (Optimization)
16 Issues Available data Scoring function for retailers Introducing the land market Different time scales for decisions of retailers and consumers Meaningful location process also according to Saturday customers flow (now in MATSim only Mo-Fr is simulated) Introduction of monetary costs for activities and taking into account prices for them …
17 A possible simple approach Retailer model: Set of shops (may be empty) = X,Y coordinates of existent shops Capacity = Number of customers which may be served in one day Budget = Available budget for opening and relocation of shops Retailer strategy: Re-locate or open new shops in order to maximize the number of customers under budget constraint Solution: New set of shops Actual cost of opening/re-location operations Actual # of customers
19 Static Approach Network DataPopulation Initial Demand Execution Replanning Scoring DemandFacilities Analysis Retailers Locator
20 Dynamic Approach Network DataPopulation Initial Demand Execution Replanning Scoring DemandFacilities Analysis Retailers Locator
21 A possible simple approach Each shop is an agent Shop [X, Y, Ca, R, Cs] Strategy = Find a location X,Y such as (R – C ) is maximized Each retailer is an agent Retailer [X 1,…,X n,Y 1,…,Y n, Ca, R, Cs, N] Strategy = Find a set of locations X k,Y k such as (R-C) is maximized Where: R = # Customers * Average expenditure Cs = Rent per day + Labor cost per day