Unit 3 Notes: Cancer, Mutations, & Karyotyping.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Notes: Cancer, Mutations, & Karyotyping

(1) Mutations: Mutation: Mutations Effect: Change in DNA sequence (gene) Changes protein produced Mutations Effect: All cells with that gene Mitosis Meiosis

(2) Mutations & Cell Division: Mitosis: (Somatic Cells) Possible Results: Damage structure Cannot function Cancer? Meiosis: (Sex Cells/Gametes) Possible Results : Affect any zygote produced from mutated gamete If zygote (w/mutation) develops: Every cell will contain mutation Germ cells will contain mutation  Next Generation

(3) Cancer: Disease Spreads through blood + lymph. Abnormal cells divide and grow w/o control Abnormal cells invade other tissues Spreads through blood + lymph. More than 100 known types, named by origin. Tumor: Not always cancerous. Result of uncontrolled cell growth Mass of tissue

(4) Karyotyping: Look at chromosome pairs to identify chromosomal-disorders. Process: Stain DNA. Organize longest  shortest. Organize by banding pattern. Sex chromosomes at the end. Look for too many, missing, shortened, or lengthened chromosomes.

(5) Chromosomes: Sex Chromosomes: Normal Numbers: Male = X and Y Female = X and X Normal Numbers: 23 pairs OR 46 total

(6) Down Syndrome: Chromosomes: Physical Characteristics: Trisomy 21 = 3 chromosomes at #21 Total = 47 chromosomes Physical Characteristics: Round-Asian-Like Facial features, short stature, heart defects Shorter lifespan Prone to Alzheimer’s and leukemia

(7) Patau Syndrome: Chromosomes: Physical Characteristics: Trisomy 13 = 3 chromosomes at #13 Total = 47 chromosomes Physical Characteristics: Eye, Brain and Circulatory defects Cleft Palate Death typical w/in months of birth

(8) Edward’s Syndrome: Chromosomes: Physical Characteristics: Trisomy 18 = 3 chromosomes at #18 Total = 47 chromosomes Physical Characteristics: Every organ defected Death w/in months after birth

(9) Klinefelter Syndrome: Chromosomes: XXY Total = 47 chromosomes Physical Characteristics: Male sex organs, but underdeveloped + sterile Other feminine body characteristics Normal intelligence

(10) Turner’s Syndrome: Chromosomes: Physical Characteristics: Only 1 X chromosome Total = 45 chromosomes Physical Characteristics: Female Do not mature sexually + are sterile Short stature Normal Intelligence (Most die before birth)