Uses and abuses of History 1.History holds a mirror attempts to interpret the mind and manner of man 2. History is the store house of human experiences 3. History as the ability to improve the understanding of man 4. History enables him to live in a state of peace and understanding 5. History is a guide pointing in the direction of unity and progress 6. History not only tells us about the right principles of life, but also warns us through concrete examples about the inevitable destruction of society if these principles neglected 7. History really contributes to human his wisdom, and strengthens his virtue by making him acquire higher values of life 8. Historical thinking develops and promote Reason and criticism
Abuses of History Jingoism and vain national glorification stand in the way of historical utility Prejudices outlook, intense nationalism and ideological slant are damaging the value of the subject. Religious, racial, political and social prejudiced have promoted historians to twist the facts of history Historians distort history because of bias, opportunism or fear Interested parties and groups misuse history in support of their contentions.