[11B-Ms1] Brief 2: Magazine Production Brief 3: Film Marketing Brief 4: Music Marketing Georgi (A) Izet Alfie (A) (Chunkz X Neji - Vibranium – Tropical House) Tahira (A) Hristian Greta (A) (Golden Features – Worship – Electro-House/EDM) Tay-Jah (B) Shankeeth Hiwad (A) (NitoNB – Out of Luck - Trap) Nadia (A) Luke (Nadira) (Raychel) Stefan Bobbie Siddika Troy Reiss Cosmin Parisa (Sarh)
Pre-production blogs for Component 3 11-Ms1 Nadira - TBC Cosmin - cosminmediacoursework.wordpress.com Tahira - tahiramedia.wordpress.com Luke - lukemediawordpress.wordpress.com Reiss - reissbradford.wordpress.com Bobbie - TBC Stefan - https://costs075310.wixsite.com/mysite Parisa - TBC Siddika - https://fazes001.310.wixsite.com/siddikamedia-2019 Raychel - TBC Alfie - TBC Tay-Jah - https://taytaymaxwell1.wixsite.com/sportsmagazine Nadia - http://nadiamohammedia.wordpress.com Sarh - TBC Shankeeth - shankeethmedia.wordpress.com Troy - troysmediastudies.wordpress.com Greta - gretamediacoursework.wordpress.com Hristian - tara757866385.wordpress.com Hiwad - TBC Georgi - Georgi7212034460.wordpress.com Izet - izetomediaworld.wordpress.com Pre-production blogs for Component 3
Pre-production blogs for Component 3 10A Media Rihards - thelifeofme2018.wordpress.com Sadis - sadismedia.wordpress.com Mohammad - anwam069310.wixsite.com/mohammadanwarcw Ali B - alibbblogs.wordpress.com Adriana - adrianascourse.wordpress.com Denis - denismediacoursework.wordpress.com Zac - gauntzac.wixsite.com/media Rishi - rishimediacoursework.wordpress.com Denisa - denisamedia18.wordpress.com Rares - rareslifemedia.wordpress.com Mohamed - mohamedmediacoursework.wordpress.com Keshav - patel346310.wixsite.com/keshavmediacw Sidney - sidquansah09.wixsite.com/sidneymediacourse Ikran - ikranmedia.wordpress.com Shayan - shayanrupareliasmediacoursework.wordpress.com Jaye - jayewilliams.wordpress.com Armaan - armaanuddinmedia.wordpress.com Ali S - alisamirmedia.wordpress.com Andreea - deea28blog.wordpress.com Hussain - TBC Cara - TBC Yunus - TBC Pre-production blogs for Component 3 10A Media All working on Brief 3
Pre-production blogs for Component 3 10B Media Abdullah - TBC James - TBC Hebatullah - TBC Yosuf - TBC Mya - TBC Mohamad - TBC Luis - TBC Uzair - TBC Sneha - TBC Jahvon - TBC George - TBC Sharmarke - TBC Harres - TBC Madeeha - TBC Lewis - TBC Wiktoria - TBC Ali M - TBC Sadiq - TBC Yusuf - TBC Latifah - TBC Hannah - TBC Kush - TBC Jamia - TBC Lanaiyah - TBC Pre-production blogs for Component 3 10B Media All working on Brief 3
GCSE Media WALT: to plan for Component 3 coursework task. Statement of Aims - Example Cover Sheet - Research and Planning - Production Brief - Success Criteria Choosing Briefs Exit Pass Wordpress Site Creation Programmes – PowerPoint, Publisher, Photoshop First draft deadline: Friday 23rd November Feedback: Between deadlines Final deadline: Friday 21st December
Statement of Aims
Research and Planning
Brief 2: Magazine Production
Technical denotations Strapline Masthead Hyperlink Masthead Date line and priceline Cover line Cover line Cover line Anchoring image Cover line Cover line Main cover line Bar code Sub-heading
The ‘PRIDEMAGAZINE.COM’ hyperlink features above the masthead as a web address which highlights the magazine’s modern appeal and for readers to access for additional content or an online version of the magazine. It shows that there are multiple methods of accessing magazine content. The strapline ‘Celebrating 26 years at the top!’ features on the top left above the masthead. This reinforces the magazine’s long-term success as a leading representative for Black British women. Readers are reassured by the magazine’s proven track record, which makes it more appealing. EXAMPLE ANSWER The PRIDE masthead is positioned at the top of the page, written in turquoise uppercase text. The masthead suggests that the magazine has a sense of confidence in its identity. The effect on the reader is identification and inclusion, particular for the magazine’s target audience: Black British women. The dateline ‘November 2017’ shows that this is a recent issue and the ‘£3’ priceline also illustrates that this is an affordable magazine for its target audience. ‘The Cost of Standing Up To Racism’ coverline in blue uppercase font represents one of the magazine’s key values: pride in racial identity and rebuking racism. The effect on the reader is to challenge them to respond actively to a major issue in society. ‘Confessions of a Black Actress’ coverline reinforces the magazines two main themes: racial and gender identity. The audience will enjoy the personal nature of these articles, highlighted by the term ‘Confessions’. The direct address black and white photography anchoring image of Naomi Campbell features her looking over her shoulder wearing a fur coat with her hair pulled back shows a confident Black British celebrity (fashion model) who acts as a role model for the target audience. PRIDE intend to celebrate Campbell’s success and show her as an example of what readers can also achieve. The ‘101 ways to Stand Up and Be Heard’ coverline emphasises a key idea for the magazine: pride, self-esteem, confidence and courage. The quantity of ideas will appeal to readers who can appreciate the amount of options they have to make an impact. The coverline ‘How healthy is your makeup bag?’. shows that the magazine wishes to cater for fashion and beauty enthusiasts and encourage further consumerism. It challenges readers to self-evaluate. The coverline: ‘Hair: Liven up your winter with colour’ (which is written in white and orange cursive font) highlights the magazine’s interest in fashion and beauty. It shows that PRIDE realises that its target audience are interested in hairstyles, and provides them with ideas in order to encourage diverse creativity with fashion. The main coverline ‘Naomi speaks out’ is written in gold cursive font and shows that the magazine wants to give the fashion icon a platform to share what matters to her. It encourages readers to find platforms themselves as Naomi and the magazine clearly want to empower other black British women. The bar code features on the bottom right of the page. This shows that this version of the magazine is the print edition. This magazine has a readership of 250,000 every year which shows it is popular. Extended analysis: C&C design, the magazine’s ideology, the overall aesthetic, social/historical context of the magazine, the impact of its representations, industry information. The sub-heading ‘on diversity, acting and being herself’ highlights how the magazine is interested in the star’s response to her racial identity, what it is like to be a celebrity and how to remain authentic in such a competitive world. The reader will appreciate the down-to-earth approach of the magazine which hopes to reveal the real Naomi behind the media persona.
Brief 3: Film Marketing
Brief 3 Task List Tasks Complete? Annotate a Crime Thriller DVD Cover Sleeve (DCE response) Annotate a Crime Thriller Poster (DCE response) Create a questionnaire on Crime Films Evaluate results of questionnaire in relation to audience Develop a crime thriller film idea and synopsis Complete any other pre-production documents Take 8 photographs which can be used on Poster and DVD Design poster and DVD cover sleeve Annotate your own poster and DVD cover sleeve Complete Statement of Aims (250 words) Add Research and Planning PowerPoint and Word Documents to your Blog
Film Marketing: Grace DVD cover and poster Film Marketing: Grace DVD cover and poster. Level - Band 5 (Grade 7 / A) Brief - While there is an element of crime evident in the marketing materials, the work is more clearly referencing the horror genre. - A highly appropriate concept for the chosen genre evidenced in the title and tagline, and a very clear sense of house style is sustained across the work. - Appropriate codes and conventions of poster and DVD covers are thoroughly applied. - Excellent control of connotations, especially visual codes of the horror genre – use of lighting, colour palette, editing of main image on the DVD cover to connote duality. - Effective background image and thumbnails on DVD back cover to establish the narrative. - Narrative enigma and disruption is clearly evident in the ‘blurb’. There is a complex representation of a young female constructed through use of visual and technical codes. - Repeated use of main image – the DVD cover and poster should feature a different image.
Relates to reality and shows the audience that this type of issue can be created in the real life too and perhaps some can relate back. This Enigma shows people that this movie is based on real life story which could make some of the audience relate to this or make the audience curious as to what takes place in the film. The typography is shown to have a dark side and very sharp. This is an USP and acts as a screen grab as the audience will recognise the famous films and will want to watch the film as they are from well known directors. This critic’s review connotes that this film is successful and the review has been displayed to encourage audiences to purchase the film. Screen grabs (an example of a USP) gives an insight to the audience of what takes place during the film before they purchase the DVD. This may have been done to create more enigmas for the audience, ultimately increasing profit. This iconography of a rope suggests that there is a disturbed atmosphere throughout the film. The rope gives the audience the impression that there may have been a murder or a suicide that has been committed The use of fog creates mystery throughout the film. This connotes that the film will have a negative tone throughout it. The Credits define the main cast and production team. The synopsis is located at the back of the DVD. The synopsis gives an insight of what takes place during the film and that when the audience picks this DVD up they will get an general sense of the plot and genre. The main iconography of a shadow perhaps represents a young girl’s spirit and implies that this film may be about her revenge and shows her as the protagonist of this film. The classification of the film is ‘15’ which means that 15 year olds or over are legally allowed to watch this film as this is not suitable for young ages because there is violence involved and extremely mild innuendo. The Production Company is located on the back of the DVD cover because the audience may have watched a film that was produced by the same film (Warner Brothers) which has an excellent reputation and is well known. The director’s name is put on the back of the DVD cover because it may grab the attention of the people who watched a film by the same director. The light and dark contrast between the tree and the sky makes the tree stand out suggesting a disturbed and troubled atmosphere throughout the film. EXAMPLE ANNOTATIONS
From the creators of Halloween III and The Tree of Dreams This iconography of the protagonist is looking up to where there is bright light from the darkness surrounding her. This connotes that she may be in trouble, and looking for a way to escape. The audience will only be able to solve this if they see the film. The iconography of the protagonist on her own creates enigma for the audience of why she might be alone. They can only solve this by watching the film. Industry review is added to increase profit because the audience are attracted to watch the film if it has a good rating. This is a USP because it will make the audience of these films want to watch the film if they enjoyed an earlier film by the same producers. Reverie From the creators of Halloween III and The Tree of Dreams Follow Catherine through the disastrous night, when she realises her life has changed forever. Travel through a deadly world of unseen spirits and mysterious creatures. Will she be able to wake up from her reverie and find her way home before the dawn breaks? Would you be able to wake up from a reverie? Thought-provoking and gripping – Mark Davies Screen grabs are included, which shows images from the film. This creates enigma and it can only be solved if the DVD is bought. The iconography of the girl surrounded in darkness by trees creates a sense of mystery and enigma for the audience to find out what harmful creatures may await for the protagonist which the audience can only find out if they watch the film. The synopsis gives a brief summary of the film and creates enigma for the audience to find out what happens during the film because it leaves them with a question which can only be solved if they watch the film. The dark aesthetic of the colour black and dark blue are used the most on the DVD cover. This is used to show what the film may be about. It shows that the film could be about mystery because the colours create a fearful and negative connotation. It also shows that the film may be set at night. The age classification is “15”, which means that audience who are 15 and above can legally watch the film. It also shows that the target audience for the film is not children and that the film may contain graphical images which are not suitable for a young audience. This production company is included to increase profit by attracting audience who have seen and enjoyed their previous films. This tagline creates enigma for the audience to find out what the “reverie” might be and it draws them in to watch the film because they may feel as if the question is directly being asked to them. Film credits include the directors name which attracts audience who may have seen another one of their films. EXAMPLE ANNOTATIONS
WHO DO YOU TURN TO WHEN YOUR LIFE COMES CRASHING DOWN AROUND YOU? Anastasia and Trevor are teenagers abandoned at birth. Since they were young, they have stuck together in a life they have spent away stealing to stay alive. That is until they steal from the wrong person. The Queen. They’re taken to the royal court for trial when something about Anastasia is revealed, shocking the whole room. That one secret that’s been hidden for her whole life is the cause for her life to be suddenly flipped upside down. When Anastasia doesn’t know what’s the truth, she turns to the one person she can always trust, Trevor. But will their friendship last? WHO DO YOU TURN TO WHEN YOUR LIFE COMES CRASHING DOWN AROUND YOU? Together till the end Bonus features -Deleted scenes -Cast and Crew interviews -Studio tour -Subtitles -Bonus features -Commentary SPECIAL EDITION Alexandra Daddario Dylan O’Brian Josh Dallas Ginnifer Goodwin “This heart warming and compelling story will put a smile on your face for days” – Gene Siskel EXAMPLE DVD COVER DESIGN
Rhetorical question – This gives the audience something to think about when watching the film as it sets a sort of theme in the film. From the question we can infer that the film will be quite dramatic. Creates enigmas as to whether its just a metaphorical saying or literal. Also, we want to know who's life is falling down and why. It fits in with the title as it shows they are confused with no one to turn to. Its in big, bold capital letters to draw attention to it which is effective as people are able to see it clearly. Tagline – The tagline ‘Together till the end’ implies that two people are in love or are the closest friends ever. It could create enigmas as we wonder whether something's trying to break them apart and so they made a promise that they would stick through it. Gives us the hint it will be a romantic kind of film as the line is stereotypically used for wedding vows. The tagline contradicts the title as the word ‘Lost’ implies they are alone, but then the tagline shows they will always have one another. So this creates enigmas for audience as to what is going on. Spine- The spine contains the title, iconography, DVD symbol, production company, tagline and film classification. This is good as people are able to see everything while its still on the shelf and so its less hassle for everyone. The two holding hands on the spine are symbolic as they represent friendship, trust, and loyalty which sets a general theme of the play. Its something small that catches your eye and gets your brain thinking. Iconography- The iconography of a crown gives the audience the impression that perhaps there will be royalty involved. They may play an important role. The iconography gives us themes in the film without giving the whole plot away and so creates enigmas as to what happens and why is this symbol significant. Blue aesthetic– The color blue is often associated with the depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth and heaven. This gives the audience the impression that the film might be about learning the truth from someone. It could also be about relationships/friendships with loyalty and trust. However, for some blue is the color for coldness and depression so it could create enigmas for the film. Perhaps something tragic happens. Screen grab – gives people an insight as to what to expect in the film. Types of scenes they'll see. Film company's choose the best parts of the film to put on the cover in order to not only draw in more people, but also because they set the genre of the film to the audience(There is a couple hugging so there will be romance, there is a party going on so there will be some wildness to it, but then there are old people sitting down gracefully so we can tell there are going to be contradictions) Celebrities – If people like the celebrity, they are more likely to watch the film in order to see that person in it. People have the ideology that if someone famous is in a film then it will be better as they have more experience in the industry and know what their doing. Alexandra Daddario, Dylan O’Brian, Josh Dallas and Ginnifer Goodwin are all well known for playing leading roles in hit movies or TV shows. For example, Dylan O’Brian has recently played ‘Thomas’ in the new Maze Runner trilogy and has won three MTV awards. This means their fans are more likely to watch this film so they can see more of the actors/actresses they love so much. The celebrity names are at the top of the film to draw attention to it. USP. Synopsis-Gives people information about the film and people use this to decide if they want to watch this or not. The synopsis creates enigmas which are mystery's. These enigmas bring out the curiosity in the audience who are dying to know the truth so they raise the profit made as the audience want to uncover the enigmas which is only achieved by watching the film. Bonus features – Gives people more than what they pay for. People like the gossip and such that the bonus features provide. The bonus features are good for profit as people are more likely to pay more for the film as they get extra info and scenes. Critical review-Helps people decide whether or not they want to watch the film. Want to see for themselves if its as good as people say. People are more likely to buy the film as they want to see if its really as good as they say. Also, because Gene Siskel is such a well know critic, it could give the film publicity and therefore the profit would increase as more people would buy it. Directors name- The directors name is good to put on the film cover as people who have seen their films before are more likely to watch it if they liked the others. Famous directors usually become so popular because they make good quality films so if a famous director made the film, it must be good. Film classification-The age rating is a 12 which shows us that it isn't targeted at younger children as it isn't appropriate for those younger than 12. The age rating shows that its more of a mature film and is therefore targeted at teenagers. Main image- The main image is of a girl with her back to the audience facing a seemingly calm sea with darkening clouds in the distance. The girl looks like she's contemplating something and is in deep thought. Symbolically, the sea, with its daunting width and depth, simply stands for life itself. It may be quite calm, but it becomes raging and even deadly in an instant, with the waves representing the sudden obstacles life throws our way. The darkening clouds in the background could represent problems that will arise later on. The image gives the reader a sense of calm from the waves, but then tension at the dark clouds behind. Creates enigmas as to who the girl is, what are they thinking, what problems will arise. Bold title – draws attention to it. People may have heard of it so they want to watch it.. Title is short and more memorable. Good publicity as people are more likely to remember the title and talk about to others who may be interested in watching it. The typography is quite plain and dark. The writing is very bold though so it stand out. Special edition – Implies that its only out for a certain amount of time so people want to buy it more in order to get a better version than everyone else. Perhaps its better quality or has extra bonus features which people want as the are getting more for their moneys worth. Increase profit as more people would want to buy this rather than a regular copy. EXAMPLE ANNOTATIONS Production company – If people have seen another universal (big company) film and liked it, they're more inclined to watch this. Also, if it’s a bigger company it usually means that more money has been put into the film so there will be. Better quality of film so people are more likely to watch it as they know its not going to be rubbish quality. Barcode-people are able to buy it. DVD logo – People know it’s a DVD Ameera Shahid 10R
Brief 4: Music Marketing
SHOT TYPES/ANGLES/MISE-EN-SCÈNE Mise-en-scène (everything within the frame) – costume, action, props, editing, framing, aesthetic, lighting, setting, characters Shot types - Long shot, wide shot, medium shot, close-up, extreme close up, point of view, over-the-shoulder, two shot, establishing shot – all relates to framing Angles – high angle, low angle, eyeline match, bird’s eye view, point of view, canted Movements – Pan, tilt, track, dolly, zoom, handheld/steadicam, crane shots, Focus – shallow, deep, depth-of-field, pull focus
MUSIC VIDEO INITIAL IDEA [SYNOPSIS] Premise – a person in a rabbit costume struggling through everyday existence and escaping from outer forces which seek to humiliate them. Song – Frightened Rabbit – The Modern Leper. Genre – indie rock / folk / post-grunge / Scottish. Pitch/tagline – A giant human rabbit hits rock bottom and tries to piece his life back together. Key features – Man in a giant bunny rabbit costume, running, city locations, rabbit character smoking/drinking and being rebellious, rabbit having cowardly features, rabbit being persecuted/bullied. Themes – loneliness / isolation / homelessness / depression / rebellion. Characters – human rabbit and extras. Aesthetic - humorous juxtapositions of real/caricature, iconic props and ambiguous symbolism. Locations – Hyde Park, underground, city sites. Narrative – - Giant rabbit sits hunched holding a cigarette and brown bag covered beer bottle in the park. - Guy in leather jacket confronts the rabbit. - He starts hurling verbal abuse at him then knocks over his drink and takes a cigarette. - The rabbit looks baffled, unsure of the reason why the man decided to do this. - The guy threatens the rabbit with a gun gesture and so the rabbit starts to run away. - The guy catches up with the rabbit who falls over. - The man grabs him around the neck, then punches him and walks away. - The rabbit sits on the underground train reading a newspaper. - The rabbit puts down the paper and holds his head in his hands. - The rabbit walks out of the underground and puts up the umbrella. - Rabbit mimes a gun pointed at his own head and keeps walking. - Passers by see the rabbit and start to back up then run away. - Rabbit slumps over the bar and stares into his pint of beer. - Rabbit falls off seat after being pushed and lies on the ground. - Footsteps enter through the door. - Rabbit covers his eyes trying to hide. - Rabbit opens eyes to see the same person towering over him. - Person drags the rabbit on the floor out of the pub. - Person sits the rabbit down on the same park bench again. - Person sits next to the rabbit and acts like the rabbit’s therapist. Pitch – Twin Atlantic’s Make A Beast of Myself meets Odd Man Out
Track = Frightened Rabbit – The Modern Leper MUSIC VIDEO MOOD BOARD Track = Frightened Rabbit – The Modern Leper Could be an additional prop as a hipster reference to vintage communi-cation A football could be an additional prop. A park bench is a prop from an initial scene with the giant bunny rabbit in despair. The giant bunny suit is the primary prop of the music video – some of the connotations of a rabbit will be ambiguously inferred A focus on inner-city props like traffic lights for establishing shots might be an effective filler. A newspaper will be a crucial prop within the mise-en-scene to show how scandals impact the character. Hyde Park will be a key location for certain scenes – for example: the park bench, running scenes. Headphone could connote spying, monitoring or a disconnection with society To be used in the first scene to connote his rebellious nature A bar scene as the character looks into the beer glass could be an effective way to emphasise his isolation. A cigarette is also symbolic of rebellion, his misfit, anti-social traits. Big Ben may feature. London Underground may be an important location to put the main character in a real context – the juxtaposition might be humorous.
Film Schedule – Shot list, equipment list, risk assessment Shot No. Lyrics relevant to shot Location Action/Content Shot Types 1 “A cripple walks amongst you All you tired human beings” EXT. – Park Bench - DAY Giant rabbit sits hunched holding a cigarette and brown bag covered beer bottle. Tracking Long shot mid-shot close up (possible focus pull) 2 “He’s got all the things a cripple has not Two working arms and legs” Guy in leather jacket confronts the rabbit. Shot-reverse shot of two characters (rabbit sitting, man standing) 3 “And vital parts fall from his system And dissolve in Scottish rain” He starts hurling verbal abuse at him then knocks over his drink and takes his cigarette. Extreme close-ups intercut between each character and props. 4 “Vitally he doesn’t miss them He’s too ****ed up to care” The rabbit looks baffled, unsure of the reason why the man decided to do this. Long shot to reveal the gesture of the rabbit sitting on the seat. 5 “Is that you in front of me? Coming back for even more of exactly the same?” The guy threatens the rabbit with a gun gesture and so the rabbit starts to run away. Tracking POV shot from the perspective of the chaser looking at the runner – slow motion 6 “You must be a masochist To love a modern leper on his last leg On his last leg” The guy catches up with the rabbit who falls over. The man grabs him around the neck, then punches him and walks away. Medium two-shot of the attack. 7 “I’ve crippled your heart a hundred times And still can’t work out why” CUT TO: INT. – Tube Train - DAY The rabbit sits on the underground train reading a newspaper. Medium/long shot – jump cuts from different angles. 8 “See, I’ve got this disease, I can’t shake And I’m just rattling through life” INT. – Tube Train – DAY The rabbit puts down the paper and holds his head in his hands. Long shot intercut with close ups. 9 “Well, oh, this is how we do things now This is how the modern stay scared” EXT. – City - DAY The rabbit walks out of the underground and puts up his umbrella. Long shot. 10 “So I cut out all the good stuff Yeah, I cut off my foot to spite my leg” Rabbit mimes a gun point at his own head and pulls the imaginary trigger. Mid-shot/direct address.
Film Schedule Shot No. Lyrics relevant to shot Location Action/Content Shot Types 11 “Is that you in front of me Coming back for even more of exactly the same?” EXT. – City - DAY Passers by see the rabbit and start to back up then run away. Over-the-shoulder shot of rabbit/ long shot of person running away – slow-motion. 12 “You must be a masochist To love a modern leper on his last leg” Shot-reverse shot – close up of rabbit/medium shot of person running away. 13 “I am ill but I’m not dead And I don’t know which of those I’d prefer“ INT. – Pub - DAY Rabbit slumps over the bar. Medium shot of giant rabbit on bar. 14 “Because that limb which I have lost It was the only thing holding me up, Holding me up” Stares into his pint of beer and its bubbles. Slow zoom, extreme birds-eye-view close up of pint of beer. 15 “I’m lying on the ground now And you walk in through the only door” Rabbit falls off seat after being pushed and lies on the ground. Footsteps enter through the door. Medium shot extreme close up. 16 “Well, I have lost my eyesight like I said I would But I still know” Rabbit covers his eyes trying to hide. Extreme close up. 17 “That that is you in front of me And you are back for even more of exactly the same” Rabbit opens eyes to see the same person towering over him. Low angle shot. 18 “Well, are you a masochist? You love a modern leper on his last leg” Person drags the rabbit on the floor out of the pub. Tracking medium/long shot. 19 “You’re not ill and I’m not dead Doesn’t that make us the perfect pair?” EXT. – Park - DAY Person sits the rabbit down on the same park bench again. Eye-line match long shot. 20 “You should sit with me and we’ll start again And you can tell me all about what you did today What you did today” Person sits next to the rabbit and acts like the rabbit’s therapist. Medium two-shot to track out and fade out.
Success Criteria