Ballet Terms
The Positions Fourth Position Second Position First Position Side View Front View Fifth Position *Note: Third Position is rarely used anymore. Because of the high degree of turn out of today’s dancers, Third Position looks to similar to Fifth Position. Front View Side View
Barre A half knee bend with feet remaining the floor Demi-plié Gran-plié Port de bras Relevé Sous sus Tendu A half knee bend with feet remaining the floor A full knee bend with heels off the floor Set movement of the arms from one position to another To rise up on the balls of your feet A relevé in a tight fifth position An outstretched position or action
Barre A smooth bending of the supporting leg Fondu Ronde de Jambe En l’air Développé Coupé Passé A smooth bending of the supporting leg A circling or rounding action of the working leg In the air A sustained unfolding action of the working leg A position of the foot, lifted & held flexed, against the ankle A position of the foot, lifted & pointed, against the knee and turned out.
Barre Exercises Watch this video of barre exercises and feel free to try along with the video!
Turns Chaînés Piqué Attitude Soutenu A series of rapid turns on relevé done in a straight line or circle Done with the supporting leg on relevé and the other pointed to the knee and turned out Done on one leg with the other lifted back with the knee bent at 90 degrees and well turned out A turn done in Fifth Position
Turns Pirouette Fouetté A turn on one leg holding the other leg at an angle against the supporting knee Turn where the raised leg whips around the body
Jumps Changement Glisside Jeté Gran jeté Springing steps in Fifth Position where the back foot lands in front A traveling step done by gliding the working foot from Fifth Position in the desired direction, the other foot closing to it. Jump from one foot to the other A big leap with both legs extended in the air at the same time and toes pointed
Jumps Tour jeté A high turning leap
Position supported by one leg with the other extended straight behind at a 90 degree angle and toes pointed A beating action of the extened leg The dancer “throws” the extended leg as high as possible, keeping both legs straight Rocking step, shifting the weight from one foot to the other Arabesque Battement Gran Battement Balancé Other Steps
To fall from one leg to the other, landing with all the weight on the foot that has just moved Quick, even movements, often en pointe giving the impression of gliding Quick sequence of movements involing plié and passé A movement done from a closed position to an open position Steps executed in a cirlce An outstretched position or action Tombé Bourrée Pas de bourré Échappé Manège Other Steps
Helpful Website American Ballet Theater