Access to HE Standardisation Event 2015-16 Health, including Biology Monday, 7th December 2015, 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm Glebe Centre, Murton
Agenda Welcome and introductions Presentation First activity and feedback Further activities and feedback – time allowing Plenary and evaluations
QAA regulations for AVAs ‘The AVA takes steps to ensure that consistent standards and requirements for achievement apply on different Access to HE Diplomas, within the AVA and across different student cohorts, and: Where units are available in the same subject area on different courses, it provides opportunities for those involved in Access to HE assessment and moderation to define and compare standards.’
Aim of the session To provide opportunities for those involved in the assessment and/or moderation of the Access to HE Diploma, to increase their understanding of assessment requirements and to compare assessment judgements with others delivering units in the same diploma subject area.
Objectives To undertake activities which enable participants to: compare assessment judgements in relation to student achievement of learning outcomes and assessment criteria compare assessment judgements in relation to student achievement of grade indicators Explore and confirm QAA and One Awards requirements for assessment