Chapter 11: Ancient Greece Lesson 4 – Sparta and Athens Jedi Journal (Learning Target Notes)
10. I can describe Spartan government and its militaristic society. Government was part monarchy, part oligarchy, and part democracy. 2 kings ruled Sparta & 5 elected supervisors ran the government. The Council of Elders (30 members) proposed laws. All citizens were in the Assembly. The Assembly elected officials & voted on laws. Boys went to military barracks at 7 and then served in the military from 20 – 60.
11. I can outline Athenian society and its politically active citizens. Athens had 2 governing bodies: - Council of 400 took care of daily issues - The Assembly voted on policies proposed by the Council. Citizens had to serve in the army and juries when needed. Citizens were divided into 4 classes based on income. Women, children, slaves, and foreigners were not allowed to be citizens. 5. Education prepared young boys to be good citizens.
12. I can explain how the Persian Wars led to Greek unification. The city-states realized they needed to put aside their differences and unite in order to defeat a much stronger enemy.