Use of silicon hydrogel contact lenses at photorefractive keratectomy postoperative Autors: Gustavo Victor, Luiz Humberto Teixeira Bóro, Daniela Akemi Miyamoto, Marcos Alonso Garcia, Clarissa Machado Odloak, Rafael Saran Arcieri . Cornea Sector – Department of Ofthalmology Ana Costa Hospital of Santos - HAC There is no financial interest by the author and coauthor’s in this poster issue
Treatment of Pseudophakic CME with a Single Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide Injection Use of silicon hydrogel contact lenses at photorefractive keratectomy postoperative Purpose: Evaluate the influence of two different types of contact lenses at the corneal reepithelialization and at the patients' subjective comfort after the accomplishment of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) with mitomicyn C 0,02%.
Treatment of Pseudophakic CME with a Single Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide Injection Use of silicon hydrogel contact lenses at photorefractive keratectomy postoperative Method: It is a prospective, masked, randomized study. Forty eyes (20 patients), with spherical equivalent between -1,00 SE to -5,00 SE were divided in two groups. Hydrogel group: eyes that received silicon hydrogel contact lens and Gelatinous group: contralatteral eyes that received gelatinous contact lens after surgery. All patients must had the two types of contact lens, one in each eye. All patients were submitted a PRK with mitomicyn C 0,02% for 30 seconds. All patients answered a questionary from first to seventh day postopereative, daily. To measured reepithelization biomicroscopy was used.
Use of silicon hydrogel contact lenses at photorefractive keratectomy postoperative Results: None of the eyes had reepithelialization in the first day. In the third day, 03 eyes of the silicone group and 02 eyes of the gelatinous group had complete reepithelialization. Half of the patients of the hydrogel group and twelve patients of the gelatinous group presented complete reepithelialization to the fifth day. Two patients of the hydrogel group and one of the gelatinous group did not complete reepithelialization up to the seventh day. The speed of reepithelialization between the first and third thing, between the third and the fifth and between the fifth and seventh days were 35,60±12,90mm2 x 34,72±13,60, 2,56±3,75mm2 x 2,77±5,17mm2 and 0,5±1,09mm2 x 0,42±1,45mm2 in the hydrogel and gelatinous groups respectively.
Use of silicon hydrogel contact lenses at photorefractive keratectomy postoperative Conclusions: Our datas showed that there is a tendency to reepitelizacion faster on patients that used hidrogel lens. Others studies with more patients are needed to confirm this datas.
Use of silicon hydrogel contact lenses at photorefractive keratectomy postoperative Table 1 reepithelialization area Pos-op Day (group hydrogel) Pos-op Day (group gelatinous) Pacients 1po 3po 5po 7po 7 po 1 42,41 0,79 40,13 2 25,96 10,46 3,97 32,66 7,07 1,77 3 47,15 4,34 1,23 50,24 3,3 4 33,17 0,5 0,1 30,18 5 35,77 17,34 0,95 0,2 34,71 29,7 6,6 6 44,74 46,54 0,196 0,07 7 48,99 0,78 0,12 47,76 0,05 8 45,94 51,5 9 57,38 3,8 58,06 5,72 10 44,15 0,28 21,63 0,38 0,125 11 4,9 0,708 0,34 19,625 0,785 12 35,766 2,009 21,636 0,567 13 44,16 4,91 39,02 1,43 0,03 14 38,47 41,26 0,126 15 2,834 0,44 1,226 16 39,2 2,68 38,08 17 4,33 6,12 0,04 18 54,08 2,4 49,61 3,46 19 23,75 20 35,76 0,4 Media 38,54605 2,93785 0,376 0,016 37,9333 3,2115 0,43675 0,01 SD 11,88193 4,235633 0,910156 0,050928 12,00314 6,601399 1,502733 0,044721
Use of silicon hydrogel contact lenses at photorefractive keratectomy postoperative Table 2 reepithelialization speed Hydrogel gelatinous reepith 1 to 3 po reepith 3 to 5 po reepith 5 to 7 po pacients 1 41,62 0,79 40,13 2 15,5 6,49 3,97 25,59 5,3 1,77 3 42,81 3,11 1,23 46,94 3,3 4 32,67 0,4 0,1 29,39 5 18,43 16,39 0,75 5,01 23,1 6,4 6 44,74 46,344 0,126 0,07 7 48,21 0,66 0,12 47,26 0,45 0,05 8 45,94 51,5 9 53,58 3,8 52,34 5,72 10 43,87 0,28 21,25 0,255 0,125 11 4,192 0,368 3,14 18,84 0,785 12 33,757 2,009 21,069 0,567 13 39,25 4,71 0,2 37,59 1,4 0,03 14 38,274 0,196 41,134 15 16,791 2,394 0,44 18,399 1,226 16 36,52 2,68 36,85 17 35,8 4,21 36,29 6,08 0,04 18 51,68 2,4 46,15 3,46 19 33,17 22,32 1,43 20 35,36 0,35 50,04 0,15 Media 35,6082 2,56185 0,5 34,7218 2,77475 0,42675 SD 12,90918324 3,754401968 1,099195878 13,60973655 5,176699394 1,459607261