Summarizing Strategies
Free powerpoint template: 2 Essential Question: How can I use summarizing to increase student learning in my classroom? Assessment Prompts: What is summarizing? Why should students summarize? How is summarizing distributed throughout a lesson? What are some strategies for summarizing at the end of a lesson?
Free powerpoint template: 3 What is Summarizing? Summarizing is a learning strategy. It asks the learner to restate key points of the lesson or answer the essential question in a few words or in a new way. Summarizing is the strategy that has the second greatest effect on student achievement. (Marzano, Pickering and Pollock in Classroom Instruction that Works.)
Free powerpoint template: 4 Summarizing Formats Writing – summarize key points; something you’ve learned Orally – numbered heads; discuss or answer the essential question in pairs Dramatically – individually or in pairs act out the content Visually/ Artistically – create a visual that summarizes the content of what we have learned Physically – use movement to show understanding of the content Musically – create a jingle, poem, or rap
Ones, tell the twos what summarizing is. Twos, tell the ones five different formats for summarizing.
Free powerpoint template: 6 Why summarize? Helps the teacher gather evidence of learning –Students’ misconceptions, confusions, and misunderstandings surface Builds comprehension and long-term retention of information for students Helps students understand what they understand and what they still need to learn Gives students the chance to use new vocabulary Helps students construct personal meaning from their learning.
Ones tell the twos why summarizing is helpful for the teacher. Twos tell the ones why summarizing is helpful for the student.
Free powerpoint template: 8 What are two types of summarizing? Distributed summarizing throughout the lesson Summarizing at the end of the lesson
Free powerpoint template: 9 Distributed Summarizing Based on attention span of students (age + 1 or 2 minutes) Helps teacher know who has learned information before moving on with more information Is linked to the assessment prompts Requires dialogue rather than yes/no answers Involves all students Occurs throughout the lesson
Free powerpoint template: 10 Basic Strategy: Numbered Heads Number students in pairs and assign each student a number Assign a task to each numbered student Plan when to insert a question prompt Create questions to be asked at important intervals Chunk your instruction and ask questions at pre- determined intervals
Free powerpoint template: 11 Prompts or Questions for Pairs “We have been talking about __________. Ones, clarify or explain _________ to your parenter and two’s report.” “Ones, explain to twos why ________ is important. Twos, share one or two key ppoints to remember about __________.” “Twos tell ones how to _________ (stpes in a process). Ones carry out the process and twos describe. If you disagree, explain why and discuss.
Twos tell the ones what distributed summarizing is and why it’s important. Ones tell the twos what the basic strategy is for distributed summarizing and the things you need to remember when planning for it.
Free powerpoint template: 13 Summarizing at the End of a Lesson Ticket out the Door Carousel Brainstorming Absent student letter Key Word Acrostic Inside/Outside Circles The Important Thing ABC Review Show me –Draw a picture or diagram; create an organizer Writing –Learning Log –RAFT –$2 Summary
Free powerpoint template: 14 Let’s Try Some!
Twos tell the ones four summarizing strategies that involve writing. Ones tell the twos four summarizing strategies that don’t involve writing.
Complete your organizer by writing a summary to answer the essential question. How can I use summarizing to increase student learning in my classroom?