WNG SC Agenda Authors: July 2009 Date: 2009-07-17 March 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0367r0 July 2009 WNG SC Agenda Date: 2009-07-17 Authors: Name Address Company Phone Email Tk Tan 2121 Ringwood Ave, San Jose, CA 95131 GCT Semiconductor +1-408-434-8028 tktan@ieee.org Tk Tan, GCT Semi Stephen McCann, RIM
March 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0367r0 July 2009 Abstract Closing report for Wireless Next Generation (WNG) Standing Committee (SC) for July 2009, San Francisco, California Tk Tan, GCT Semi Stephen McCann, RIM
Presentations Session 1 (Tuesday AM1) March 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0301r1 July 2009 Presentations Session 1 (Tuesday AM1) 1 - 802.11 Energy Consumption and Policy - Nordman 2 - QoS for Management Frames – Montemurro 11-09/0817r0 3 - 802.11 in TVWS – Kennedy 11-09-0749-01-0wng-802-11-in-the-tvws.ppt Session 2 (Wednesday PM1) 4 - Enhancement Technology for vehicular communications – Cho 11-09-0832-02-0wng-enhancement-technology-for-vehicular-communications.ppt 5 - WLAN Public Easements – Paine 11-09-0830-01-0wng-public-easements-for-802-11.ppt 6 - Enhanced Security for 802.11i – Harkins 11-09-0315-04-0wng-enhanced-security.ppt 7 - Broadband V2I Access for High Speed Transportation – Morioka 11-09-0111-03-0wng-broadband-v2i-access-for-high-speed-transportation.ppt TK Tan/GCT Semi Stephen McCann, RIM
July 2007 July 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/xxx2r0 July 2009 Motion Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802.11 Study Group to Address QoS for Management Frames [as described in doc 11-09/0817r1] with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria. By: Michael Montemurro Second: Cam-Winget [WNG Result: 34 – For; 3 – Against; 14 – Abstain.] Slide 4 Tk Tan, GCT Semi Page 4 Donald Eastlake 3rd, Motorola McCann et al. (RIM)
July 2009 Motion Moved: Because of its suitability as a primary candidate for a TVWS technology, and in the expectation that the FCC and Ofcom will clarify their requirements for the database in the interim, the 802.11WG should begin a Study Group to develop PAR and 5 Criteria documents for approval by the EC at the Atlanta Plenary in November 2009 By: Rich Kennedy Second: Harry Worstell YES: 39 NO: 0 ABSTAIN: 15 Tk Tan, GCT Semi