Phylum Protozoa.


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Presentation transcript:

Phylum Protozoa

Taxonomy Kingdom Animalia Phylum Protozoa protozoans

General Characteristics Unicellular and most are microscopic Free-living or live in colonies All symmetries are present No germ layers are present No organs or tissues, only specialized organelles and a nucleus Can be parasitic or cause disease Move using flagella, cilia or pseudopodia Autotrophic, heterotrophic or filter feeders Live on land or in the water or inside plants or animals Reproduce both sexually and asexually

Protozoans Kinetoplastids Parasites to plants and animals Live on land and in the water and in blood or tissue ** Cause African sleeping sickness ** African sleeping sickness

Protozoans Giardia The most common human parasite Found in soil and water giardia

Protozoa Plasmodium Parasite to animals **causes malaria** plasmodium

Protozoans Trichomona Most common human STD pathogen

Protozoa Ciliates free-living Common in all waters and soils Use cilia to move

Protozoa Amoebas Free-living found in water and soil Use pseudopod for moving amoeba

Protozoa Paramecium Free-living Live in water or damp soil Use cilia to move

Ecological Importance Simplest animal life form Bottom of the food chain in many ecosystems Cause many diseases and are parasites to plants and animals protozoans