Active Suspension System Students: Caleb Dell, Leslie Garcia, Alex Jaeger Advisors: Prof. Jing Wang, Prof. S. D. Gutschlag Who talks when Leslie 1-10 Caleb - 11-18 Alex - 19-25
Outline Project Summary Previous Work System Block-Diagram Component Descriptions Functional Descriptions Work Completed Future Work References Questions
Project Summary Goal Design a system to minimize vertical disturbance of a suspended body Application Provide a gentle ride to passengers by removing disturbances imparted to a vehicle due to uneven terrain Apparatus Description: Lower Platform Linear Actuator H-bridge Microcontroller Upper Platform Position Sensor ** More professional wording - break to two slides, increase size of font Lower Platform: used to apply disturbance to the actuator and the upper platform Upper platform: used to support applied load Linear Actuator: Extends and retracts to reduce disturbance Position sensor: upper platform sensor
Previous Work 1990-1991 Team 2006-2007 Team Constructed apparatus Replaced pneumatic cylinder with an electric linear actuator
Previous Work - 2006 Team 2006 -Aside from replacing the pneumatic cylinder with a linear actuator they were able to create a simulink model which represents how the linear actuator functions. Later on we will talk about our own simulink, but we used 2006s simulink as a base for ours How the linear actuator functions
Previous Work: 2016-17 team Organized H-bridge and associated electronics in an enclosure Heat Dissipation Added cooling fans Emergency control Limit switches Emergency stop
System Block Diagram Active Suspension System Block Diagram Inputs into the Active Suspension system: Emergency stop, On/Off, User Input After it goes into the active suspension system, a disturbance is added and then its feedback to be able to go through the system again, then we would get the actuator position
Hardware Components Upper & Lower Platform Position Sensor (Potentiometer) Safety Relays 4 pole, double throw Position Limit Switches Linear Actuator Motor Type: 160 volt brushed DC Maximum Load Capacity: 3600 N (810 [lbs]) Rotating Camshaft driven by a 3-phase induction motor controlled by a VFD Upper and lower Platform: The system will ensure that the upper platforms vertical motion will be maintained at the desired position specified by user. The lower platform will oscillate in the vertical direction and it will be controlled by the 3-phase AC induction motor connected to the camshaft. Potentiometer:One is connected to the upper platform to measure instantaneous position and provide feedback to the controller. Safety Relays: two 4 pole relays that are used for emergency system shut-down. In the default position the AC induction motor is open, so the camshaft will not rotate. Once a 24 volt DC signal is applied then the relay coil is active and the switches will close to disables the brake and connect the 3-phase VFD to the AC induction motor. Both the limit switches or emergency stop can switch the relay to the safety position. Limit Switches: There are two limit switches connected to the system to guarantee an upper and lower bound of motion in the event of a controller malfunction. When one of the switches is activated then both safety relays will switch to their open positions and the system will stop working. Linear Actuator: It will be driven by the H-bridge, which is also controlled by the Atmega128 board. The actuator is mounted to both the upper and lower platform. The actuator shaft will extend and retract to compensate for the lower platform movements based on the output of the potentiometer. Rotating Camshaft: The rotating camshaft will rotate at all times during system operations unless the operator turns off the VFD controlling the 3-phase AC induction motor, or the emergency stop is activated.
Critical Electrical Hardware Components LM317 Voltage Regulators (12[V]/1[A]) - Power for cooling fans LM7815 Voltage Regulators (15[V]) - Vcc for H-bridge LM7805 Voltage Regulator (5[V]) - Output side of the 6N137 optical isolator MY2N-D2 Power Relays - Used as safety relays The white control box mounted to the top of the active suspension system contains the connections to all subsystems on the apparatus. This includes an LM317 voltage regulator set to provide 12[V] for the cooling fans, one LM7815 voltage regulator used to provide 15[V] to the VCC pin for the MSK H-bridge, and one LM7805 voltage regulator used to provide 5[V] to the 6N137 optical isolators. There are two OMRON MY2N-D2 safety relays connected to the emergency stop button which can be used to deactivate the linear actuator motor and the AC induction motor in an emergency.
Critical Electrical Hardware Components Cont. 6N137 Optical Isolator MSK 4227 H-Bridge Maximum Current Rating 20 [A] at a case temperature of 25°C Maximum Voltage Rating 200 [V] Atmega128A Board (Embedded C) Operating Voltages: 2.7-5.5[V] Speed Grades: 0-16MHz Optical Isolator is where the inputs of the microcontroller are going. Used so it destroy pins of the microcontroller. If something fails (diode) - the inductor will keep current going-> destroy microcontroller Isolate voltage from load An optically-coupled MSK 4227 H-bridge connected to an Atmega128A microcontroller is used to control the direction, forward and backward, and speed of the linear actuator motor as required to maintain the desired upper platform position. if asked: 20a at 25C Thermal computations later on
Testing the Microcontroller Subsystem Microcontroller tasks: Generate PWM signals at varying duty cycles Convert analog voltage signal from sensor potentiometer Compute position based on converted analog signal Alternate PWM signals for desired motor direction to maintain desired upper platform position
Microcontroller - Pins Used Output pins PB4 (OC0) and PB7 (OC2/OC1C) for generating two PWM signals to control the high-side transistors Input pin PF0 (ADC0) for ADC input Separately controlled output pins PC0 and PC1 to control the low-side transistors on the H-bridge PortA connected to LEDs to indicate position is within desired deadband
Microcontroller - PWM Signal Fast PWM mode Pre-scalar = 64 Frequency = 976 [Hz] OCR0 and OCR2 control duty cycle figure - indicate where it is from, Fix upper text boxes - bigger font Where did 1Khz come from? To be more efficient
Microcontroller - ADC Pin PF0 (ADC0) is used for ADC input 10-bit ADC 0-5 [V] range 5 [V] = 6 [in] (full length of actuator stroke) ADC input is used to compute current position
Proposed Bang-Bang Controller Flow Diagram
Work Completed Updated schematic diagram Three-phase motor safety relay connections corrected Built and tested discrete component H-bridge Used to verify software functionality Designed and conducted experiments to determine motor friction constants Tc and b Simulink models for the linear actuator Completed parts list
Schematic Diagram
Three-Phase Motor Safety Relay 2016-2017 Team Three-phase was not functional Used updated schematic diagram to determine the wiring error Three-phase induction motor was initially connected to the normally closed pins instead of the normally open pins
Discrete Component H-Bridge Used to test the linear actuator control software Duty cycle must be less than 93% to ensure bootstrap capacitors recharge between cycles Bootstrap capacitors provide a floating voltage for the high-side transistors to use Discrete component 93% MSK 97%
Discrete Component H-bridge Reverse
Forward Motion Simulation Signal 1: Duty cycle generated by the waveform generator Signal 2: Voltage of the HINA gate Signal 3: Voltage across the Pittmann motor
Modeling Friction Constants Coulombic friction (Tc) and viscous damping coefficient (b) are not listed in actuator datasheet Experimental procedure to determine Tc and b Generated software to drive the linear actuator at a specific shaft speed for a specified time Measured average current flow to the actuator motor to compute generated torque Computed steady-state linear velocity Solved system of equations for Tc and b using ω and ω2 Not complex equations - simple
Simulink Diagram Block diagram with omega (ω) 45 volts and 5lbs *ADD PLOTS* Get experimental plots get simulink plots for position vs time - velocity
Linear Velocity: Model vs. Experiment Linear Velocity (Model): 4.996 in/sec 45[V] applied to motor at 60% duty cycle with 5[lb] load Linear Velocity (Experiment): ~4.8 in/sec 45[V] applied to motor at 60% duty cycle with no-load This is what we are getting at the moment - W^2 should be more accurate
Simulink Diagram Block Diagram with ω2 Conducted simulations with 45 [V] input and a 5 [lb] mass on actuator
Linear Velocity: Model vs. Experiment Linear Velocity (Model): 5.055 in/sec 45[V] applied to motor at 60% duty cycle with 5[lb] load Linear Velocity (Experiment): ~4.8 in/sec 45[V] applied to motor at 60% duty cycle with 5[lb] load Could be off 5% for the experimental data - ability to read experimental data is limited. Difference between w and W^2 at low voltages should be virtually identical
Parts List point out the equipment that we would need: Voltage regulator Extra limit switches
Future Work Scheduled controller designs Bang Bang Controller Proportional Controller Percent overshoot Rise time Settling time Gain and phase margins Damping ratio Natural frequency
Future Work Cont. If time permits Proportional- Integrator (PI) Proportional-Integrator-Derivative (PID) Feedback component from position to acceleration
Future Division of Labor Caleb: Programming control theories in embedded C Leslie: Simulink and research Alex: Hardware and circuit design
Tentative Schedule Fall Semester 11/08/2018 - 11/28/18: Work on bang-bang control system 11/28/18-12/4/18: Website and proposal Spring semester 1/22/2019 - 4/20/2019: Finish with bang-bang and work on proportional system 4/16/2019 - 4/30/2029: If time allows, work on proportional-integral system and proportional-integral-derivative. 4/30/2019 - 5/10/2019: Work on final presentation, poster, and deliverables
References [1] A. Serreurier, J. Rose, C. Ramseyer, R. Vassey (2017): [2] A. Tantos, “H-Bridges - The Basics.” Modular Circuits, 2011. [Online]. Available: secrets/h-bridges-the-basics/. [Accessed: Oct. 20, 2018] [3] Atmel, “8’bit Atmel Microcontroller with 128Kbytes In-System Programmable Flash,” ATmega128/L Datasheet, 2011 [4] Avago, “2.5 Amp Output Current IGBT Gate Drive Optocoupler,” HCPL-3120/J312 datasheet, March 21, 2016 [5] G. Franklin, D. Powell, and A. Emami-Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Seventh. Pearson, 2015. [6] Industrial Devices Corp., “Electric Cylinder Overview,” EC2-H Series Datasheet [7] Maurey, “Linear Motion Potentiometers,” P1613 Datasheet [8] M. S. Kennedy Corp., “200 Volt 20 Amp MOSFET H-Bridge With Gate Drive,” MSK 4227 Datasheet, November 2004 [9] Omron, “Miniature Power Relays,” MY4N-D2 Datasheet [10] STMicrocontrollers, “N-Channel 250V – 22A Power MOSFET,” STP22NS25Z Datasheet [11] Texas Instruments, “LM317 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator,” LM317 Datasheet
Questions include back up slide for equations bootstrap capacitor - explain it