RPC Detector Control System Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples DCS numbers I.N.F.N. Naples BARREL + ENDCAP HV system 480 + 378 ch. = 143 boards LV system 720 + 800 ch. = 130 boards Temperature 300 + ? ch. = 10 + ? boards Front End 4680 + 2544 FEBs Gas Cooling Rack, crate Ventilation 09/05/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples DCS status overview I I.N.F.N. Naples HV - 480 channels (80 boards) placed in the 12 crates; Tender is started in December 03 and will finish in this days (May 04) II Prototype in July 04; Prototype Test in Naples/ISR/Test Beam from Sept 04; 20% of the system in Dec 04; Board test at CERN from Jan 05; Full system in Sept 05; Installation and commissioning 06. LV - 720 channels (60 boards) placed in the 20 crates; CMS found a common solution; A3009 board with 12 ch. 2-8 V - 9A; Tender at CERN 04; Full system available in Dec 05; news Control Room news Detector 09/05/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples DCS status overview II I.N.F.N. Naples Temperature - 300 probes readout 10 ADC boards; 100 probes installed (on the chambers); 250 probes ready at the assembling sites; An ADC/DAC board with 128 ch. Is under design for ATLAS & CMS by the CAEN company; The board will be integrate in the EASY crate; Prototype and test in the 2004; Full production in the 2005. Front-end - 4680 Front End Boards 800 Link boards in 60 crates Control/monitor width, threshold and temperature monitor the RPC/FEB performances (occupancy, rate, noise….) Racks and crates, gas, cooling and ventilation: will be developed using a common solution/tools for the CMS sub-detectors. news 09/05/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples DCS connection Schema I.N.F.N. Naples Control Room SY1527 LV + Temp 20 Bus lines HV 12 Bus lines splitter HV crates LV + Temp LB crate Detector LV + Temp LB crate 300 Optical fibers @ 1.6 Gbit/s LV + Temp LB crate LV + Temp LB crate 09/05/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Temperature sensor I.N.F.N. Naples Our goal is to measure the iron gap temperature with a precision of 1oC in order to: compensate the HV working point in case of a large gradient of the temperature e/o atmospheric pressure; study the RPC aging and the current/noise behaviors taking into account this crucial parameter; Switch off the chamber/sector/wheel in case of “high” temperature ( > 26 oC). We have decided to use the Analog Device AD592BN transducer, after having tested different sensors. AD592 temperature transducer High Pre-calibrated Accuracy: 0.5oC max @ +25oC Excellent Linearity: 0.158C max (0oC to +70oC) Wide Operating Temperature Range: –25oC to +105oC Single Supply Operation: +4 V to +30 V Excellent Repeatability and Stability High Level Output: 1 mA/K Two Terminal Monolithic IC: Temperature In/Current Out Minimal Self-Heating Errors 09/05/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples Front End Board I I.N.F.N. Naples The front end electronic boards communicate with the Link Board through the I2C bus; Each Slave LB receives data from up to 6 FEBs 96 strips; Each Master LB is connected to not more than 2 SLB; MLB transmits data to the control room via optical fiber; Each LB crate house up to 8 LBs and has 1 Control Board (CCU); The RPC continuous monitoring (noise rate, occupancy…) will have a refresh rate of 10 sec; For each strip the events before and after windowing are counted during a defined period of time. That allows plotting of rates and efficiency; There are two 32-bit counters for each group of 128 channels/strips; The amount of data to be sent is 2*32*128 = 8 Kb/10s/LB/plot. 09/05/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples Link Board Schema 09/05/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Front End Board II I.N.F.N. Naples Additionally for the orbit synchronization there are ca. 4000 32-bit counters (1 for each bunch crossing) producing ca. 128 Kb of data / plot. But these probably can be read less often. The theoretical throughput of a CCU chain (up to 27 CBs) is 4 MB/s. The theoretical throughput of a LB box is 4 MB/s / 27 = 152 KB/s. The theoretical throughput of a Link Board is 152 KB/s / 8 = 19 KB/s. Required throughput for a continuous monitoring of one RPC is: 128 strips * 2 counters * 32 bits = 8 Kb/10s = 100 Bytes/s. The I2C communication does not contribute significantly to the total CCU load. The total bandwidth depends on the number of CB's in single CCU chain (serviced by a single FEC). 09/05/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
First examples Clusters Size Distribution 09/05/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples Conclusions I.N.F.N. Naples The HV tender is finishing in these days, the prototype will be ready in July 04. The production will finish in September 05. The CMS LV project is almost ready. The tender will start in the first months of the 2004. The CAEN has a LV board designed for RPC. 100 out of 300 temperature sensors (AD592BN) have been installed on the chambers and tested at the ISR. The Link Board test-beam project is going on. New check/results during the next test beam (2004). The histograms and snapshots work well and have proved their usefulness in testing the performance of chambers. A JCOP/PVSS course will be held in Naples in June 2004. There are a lot of requests from Italian group. A full time student from Naples begin to work on the RPC DCS in May 04. news news 09/05/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples