Performance Achievement a quick reference guide to COMPLETING DOCUMENTATION
Performance Achievement COMPLETING DOCUMENTATION Log onto – Click onto the ‘Hubs’ Tab on the left hand menu Enter the ‘Leadership Hub’ Go to ‘Performance Achievement’ from the top menu and navigate through the sections for resources The Performance Achievement documentation can be accessed by Logging onto – Click onto the ‘Hubs’ Tab on the left hand menu Enter the ‘Leadership Hub’ Go to ‘Performance Achievement’ from the top menu and navigate through the sections for resources You can either save the documentation and complete it electronically on your computer or print off the form for completion in writing.
SETTING OBJECTIVES The first question on the documentation asks – “What are you going to do?” With a further prompt that states “Describe here objective 1 – what you intend to achieve and by when” Here enter your first objective remembering to be clear about what you want to achieve and by when. Further information on setting SMART objectives can be found on HSELanD
SETTING OBJECTIVES The next question asks “How are you going to do it?” “Clearly state here the steps you intend to take to achieve your objective and how it links to our Health Service Values i.e., Care, Compassion, Trust and Learning”. This example clearly shows the link between our organisational value of ‘Learning’ with the methodology used to achieve the objective.
SETTING OBJECTIVES The final question to be answered is “How will you know it is done?” with the prompt “Clearly state here what success looks like. Describe what you will have achieved at the end of the Performance Achievement annual cycle.” Once you have completed this section you and your team leader / line manager will date and sign the objective. Each member of staff should complete 3-4 objectives.
SETTING OBJECTIVES While staff members will complete 3-4 objectives, team leaders / line managers will complete an additional objective 5. Objective 5 poses the following question “How you will develop the effectiveness and efficiency of your team/staff” along with the prompt “Describe objective 5 – what you intend to achieve and by when” The next two questions are completed with the same considerations as before.
INTERIM (FIRST) FORMAL REVIEW Interim review Manager’s observations arising from discussion (be positive and constructive) [Name] has progressed well and has now able to conduct venepuncture and cannulation procedures under supervision Staff Member’s comment: I believe I am well on track towards the completion of this objective Date: Manager’s signature Staff member’s signature At the first/interim formal review you will discuss your progress made towards achieving your objective with your manager. Your manager in turn will add her/his observations and you will have the opportunity to comment also.
END-OF-YEAR REVIEW End of year review Manager’s observations arising from discussion (be positive and constructive) [Name] is now proficient in both venepuncture and cannulation and is able to practice both unsupervised Staff Member’s comment: I am now proficient in both venepuncture and cannulation and can practice both procedures unsupervised Date: Manager’s signature Staff member’s signature (Do you wish to have a further discussion with your second tier manager? YES/NO (delete as appropriate) At the final, end-of-year review again you will discuss your progress with your line manager who will add her/his observations and afford you the opportunity to comment. If however in exceptional circumstances you wish to have a further discussion with your second tier manager delete the YES/NO as appropriate in the signature box and your the line manager will forward the Performance Achievement documentation to his/her manager.
Performance Achievement a quick reference guide to COMPLETING DOCUMENTATION