ROAR Behavior of the Week If someone wants to sit down, let them. Do not exclude others.
Word of the Day Monday precede (verb): come before something in time Sample sentence: In science, the formation of a theory should always precede a lab experiment.
Word of the Day Tuesday anticipate (verb): regard as probable; to expect or predict Sample sentence: When camping, you should always anticipate the need for bug repellant.
Word of the Day Wednesday consecutive (adjective): following continuously; in unbroken or logical sequence Sample sentence: The ground is soggy after our twenty-eighth consecutive day of rain.
Word of the Day Thursday diminish (verb): make or become less Sample sentence: My bank account began to diminish when I made several large purchases.
Word of the Day Friday exploit (verb): use a situation or person in an unfair or selfish way Sample sentence: For a hefty paycheck, the paparazzi was willing to exploit the grieving widow at her husband’s funeral.
ACT Practice Problems of the Day Monday - Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday - Friday -
ACT: Did you know? ACT English Tip: Reflexive pronouns reflect back on the subject, but they are not use as the subject. Example: Mary purchased a pair of shoes for herself.