Rome & Its government.


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Presentation transcript:

Rome & Its government

Ab initio Rome was first established as a monarchy (king, queen, etc.). People of Rome were farmers and herders, controlled by the Etruscans and later by Roman kings. In 509 BCE, the Romans drove out Tarquin the Proud and established a republic (ruled by elected leaders). In 1st century BCE, there were huge issues in which they established a triumvirate (Crassus, the richest man; Pompey, the Senate; and Caesar, consulship and military command). Ultimately, Crassus and Pompey died leaving Caesar left as sole dictator. In 27 BCE, Octavian (Augustus) changed the Roman government to an empire. Believe it or not, Rome had been an “empire” since 146 BCE but it was still a republic.

Government Overview A monarchy A republic An empire a state or nation in which the supreme power held by a single person. A republic A state or nation in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote. Leaders are not hereditary An empire A state or nation ruled by an emperor with supreme imperial power. Role can be hereditary.

Roman Republic Ruled by a Senate comprised of Senators – men who were elected to help run the government Senators were typically upper class men – citizens who come from powerful families. Plebeians were, unfortunately, the lower poor class. They were treated very poorly.

Roman republic Outside of the senate, ruled by 2 consuls (also known as praetor). They took control over administrative, legislative, and judicial areas Elected annually Eventually, consuls’ jobs were broken down: Praetor – could remove judicial authority Censor – strip the ability to do a census Rex Sacrorum – makes the annual sacrifice Pontifex Maximus – holds all religious authority

Roman Empire Even though the Empire was the head of the government, there were three major elements: Military Central government Provincial government -established control of a territory through war -military turned to policing -protecting Roman citizens, agricultural fields, and religious sites -cannot rule through force alone

Roman Empire Central government -The Emperor’s powers were based on consolidating certain powers of several offices. -Absorbed the highest religious position -Centralized the right to declare war, ratify treaties, and negotiate with foreign leaders -Emperor was ultimate authority but he was originally expected to deal with official business and petitions personally. The only way to counteract the will of the emperor would be to assassinate and open rebellion.

Roman Empire Provincial government: If a province shows its loyalty, Rome was notorious for leaving them alone – with their own laws, taxes, and independence. -Central government would send 160 officials each year to govern outside of Italy (proconsul). -This position is elected at Rome -can be an Equestion -Governor would be in charge of delegating responsibilities regarding recordkeeping, real estate transactions, taxes, and juridical proceedings. -A number of positions were elected within provincial governments

To Elect or Not Elect After the restoration of the power of the tribunes in the consulship of Pompey and Crassus, this very important office was obtained by certain men whose youth intensified their natural aggressiveness. These tribunes began to rouse the mob by inveighing against the Senate, and then inflamed popular passion still further by handing out bribes and promises, whereby they won renown and influence for themselves. They were strenuously opposed by most of the nobility, who posed as defenders of the Senate but were really concerned to maintain their own privileged position. The whole truth—to put it in a word—is that although all disturbers of the peace in this period put forward specious pretexts, claiming either to be protecting the rights of the people or to be strengthening the authority of the Senate, this was mere pretence: in reality, every one of them was fighting for his personal aggrandizement. Lacking all self-restraint, they stuck at nothing to gain their ends, and both sides made ruthless use of any successes they won. Political affairs were dominated by the senatorial class and were split into two groups: -Populares – “party of the people” Tribunes Appealed to the interests of the common -Optimates – “party of the best men” Senate Supported wealthy and old families

Roman Empire Provincial government: If a province shows its loyalty, Rome was notorious for leaving them alone – with their own laws, taxes, and independence. -Central government would send 160 officials each year to govern outside of Italy (proconsul). -This position is elected at Rome -can be an Equestion -Governor would be in charge of delegating responsibilities regarding recordkeeping, real estate transactions, taxes, and juridical proceedings. -A number of positions were elected within provincial governments