Art 17 & 12 reporting Updated time-plan Dominique Richard, ETC/BD Expert Group on Reporting 14 October 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Art 17 & 12 reporting Updated time-plan Dominique Richard, ETC/BD Expert Group on Reporting 14 October 2014

Milestones and main activities

National summaries Art 17 Comments received from 19 MS Individual responses made by ETC/BD in May 07/05/2019

Explanatory note updated Scoreboard on Art 17 data conformity Explanatory note updated Missing obligatory information Less than 2% Between 2 and 5% More than 5% Unknown and missing overall conclusion Absent and unknown information Less than 10% Between 10 and 25% More than 25%

National summaries Art 12 Comments received from 19 MS Individual responses will be provided by ETC/BD Will be available next week 07/05/2019 07/05/2019 5

Explanatory note updated Scoreboard on Art 12 data conformity Explanatory note updated Missing obligatory information Less than 2% Between 2 and 5% More than 5% Absent and unknown information Less than 10% Between 10 and 25% More than 25% 07/05/2019 6

Art 17 EU biogeographical assessments EU assessments performed between February and May by ETC and EEA experts 2 668 species assessments 804 habitats assessments

Art 17 EU biogeographical assessments Public consultation and follow up Public consultation launched on 2nd June until mid July Comments processed by ETC/BD until beginning September Habitats assessments: 159 comments out of which 31% on EU assessments, 69% on MS assessments 50% of the comments integrated by ETC/BD Species assessments: 228 comments out of which 50% on EU assessments, 50% on MS assessments 68% of the comments integrated by ETC/BD

Main outcomes All national and EU assessments available online at An Art 17 national and EU database (tabular and spatial) with links to the 12 MAES ecosystem-types soon available on the EEA Biodiversity Data centre

Art 12 EU assessments: on-going A database with Art 12 tabular and spatial data on population and trends at national level and links to MAES ecosystems soon available on EEA biodiversity data centre © Otars Opermanis

Art 12 viewer for national (and EU in the future) assessments

Under preparation: Fact sheets on Art 17-12 species and habitats

On-going: Analysis and statistics in support to the EEA Technical report on the State of nature in the EU including analysis in support to Target 1 and 3 (see Carlos and Rob’s presentations)

Thank you!