Position of Youth in Trade Unions A401394 “Communication for young trade union leaders” 14 – 18 December 2009, Turin Position of Youth in Trade Unions Daniela Aleksieva ITUC-PERC YC President
CHALLENGES (1) Except some countries where young trade unionists are powerful and well organized with strong structure, the situation of young people within trade unions is still critical. Low and declining union density among the young workers in almost every European country today; Young people are not fully aware what unions do – lack of knowledge, information and contacts; TU are not attractive for young people and do not provide any special allocations for youth activities; Young people issues are not enough seen in the mainstream trade union policies and actions; Absence of set up youth structures at confederation level in some courtiers.
CHALLENGES (2) No (enough) budget dedicated for youth activities; Young trade unionists are often not part of the decision making process in unions and are not visible and properly represented in meetings, conferences and congresses; Depth of a formal recruitment policy for young workers;; Young trade unionists are perceived as troublemakers or as a threat. Leaders are afraid to give responsibilities because afraid for their seats; Global economic and financial crises followed by ↑ numbers of lay-offs and unemployment rates, esp. among young workers => ↓ workers` trust to the power of TUs.
If TUs want to reverse the negative trends in unionization, To react adequately and become more responsive to the interests and needs of young workers. Stop saying that young people are the future! Ensure adequate representation of youth in TU's decisions making structures! It`s time!
What TUs should do? (1) Undertaking studies of the present situation of young people in the labour market and identifying problem areas and obstacles for young people in joining unions. On this basis => Designing a youth policy and strategy, developed on a participative principle (the young workers should be an object, not a subject of it); Organizing public debate forums for young people in order to attract them to the union; Including young people at all levels of the TU movement: executive boards, committees, delegations, congresses, collective bargaining and negotiation teams, training and education programmes;
What TUs should do? (2) Strengthening (or set up where not existing) youth networks and structures within TU confederations; Prioritizing and allocating financial and human resources to the youth structures (e.g. special annual budgets); Involving young people in TU` campaigns; Develop special trade union education activities and materials for youth; Co-operation with educational institutions and universities, as well as with other agents of civil society, including NGOs dealing with youth → joint initiatives.
Our common goal Together we can make a change! Increasing the youth participation 2nd ITUC Congress (21-25 June 2010 in Vancouver, Canada ) Together we can make a change!
E-mail: dalexieva@citub.net Thank you for the attention! 1, Macedonia Sq. 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria Tel. 00359 2 4010 524 Fax: 00359 2 988 5969 E-mail: dalexieva@citub.net
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