Introductory Introductory My project is on automobiles. Automobiles have been around for quite a bit. They have been around since History of automobiles started with the first steam, electrical, windmill powered and gasoline-engine cars. Cars today need gas and oil to generate. Since cars needed gas and oil, both products doubled in the 1920s. Automobiles were not very expensive in the old days they cost about $200. NICOLAS JOSEPH CUGNOT OTTO AND EUGENE BENZ THE DUELS HENRY FORD CONC- LUSION BIBLIO- GRAPHY INTRODUCTORY
Nicolas Joseph Cugnot Nicolas Joseph Cugnot of France created the first steam-powered car. The car was a large three- wheeled vehicle. It moved at the speed of a walk. The purpose of it was to haul cannons. The first car ever made was invented be Leonardo da Vinci. The automobile that he made was windmill-powered. NICOLAS JOSEPH CUGNOT OTTO AND EUGENE BENZ THE DUELS HENRY FORD CONC- LUSION BIBLIO- GRAPHY INTRODUCTORY
Otto and Eugene Nicolaus Otto invented the first gas motor engine. It was invented in He named it the Otto Cycle Engine. Before he developed an interest in new technologies, he was a traveling salesman. He sold tea, coffee, and sugar. He soon began experimenting with building four-stroke engines. Otto met a man named Eugene Langen, (he was a technician). The two men started the worlds first engine manufacturing company N.A. NICOLAS JOSEPH CUGNOT OTTO AND EUGENE BENZ THE DUELS HENRY FORD CONC- LUSION BIBLIO- GRAPHY INTRODUCTORY
Benz Another inventor of automobiles is Carl Benz. Try and guess what car he made. In 1885 he built a little three-wheeled car. The first one that he sold was in In 1890 he went into production with the four-wheeled model named the Mercedes-Benz. The Mercedes-Benz Company is still with us as we speak. NICOLAS JOSEPH CUGNOT OTTO AND EUGENE BENZ THE DUELS HENRY FORD CONC- LUSION BIBLIO- GRAPHY INTRODUCTORY
The duels The duels More inventors of automobiles are Charles and Frank Duryea. The car that they had built was the first gasoline-powered car in America. The first time it touched public roads was on September 21, 1893 in Springfield, MA. The car did not work very well because it had a friction transmission, spray carburetor, and low-tension ignition. It was put away because it did not run very well. NICOLAS JOSEPH CUGNOT OTTO AND EUGENE BENZ THE DUELS HENRY FORD CONC- LUSION BIBLIO- GRAPHY INTRODUCTORY
Henry Ford Another Major contributor is Henry Ford. He was the person that invented the assembly line. The assembly line made cars fasters. Cars were made within 12 to 2 hours. The assembly line made it possible for normal people to buy a car. Once the assembly line was created, automobiles were now priced at least $ NICOLAS JOSEPH CUGNOT OTTO AND EUGENE BENZ THE DUELS HENRY FORD CONC- LUSION BIBLIO- GRAPHY INTRODUCTORY
To Sum all the info up Today there are a lot of automobiles. If we did not have automobiles we would have to walk everywhere. We would have to walk to the store, school, home, and friends and families houses. Well that was all the information I have for you. I hope you enjoyed learning about more things. You do not have to fit this information in your tiny little brain. Your choice. NICOLAS JOSEPH CUGNOT OTTO AND EUGENE BENZ THE DUELS HENRY FORD CONC- LUSION BIBLIO- GRAPHY INTRODUCTORY
Bibliography age.jpg&imgrefurl= RbeGwJ:&tbnh=111&tbnw=149&start=11&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmustangs%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D %26sa %3DG rl= im4VSgIJ:&tbnh=33&tbnw=71&start=7&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmustang%2Bcar%2Blogos%26hl%3 Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG age.jpg&imgrefurl= RbeGwJ:&tbnh=111&tbnw=149&start=11&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmustangs%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D %26sa %3DG rl= im4VSgIJ:&tbnh=33&tbnw=71&start=7&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmustang%2Bcar%2Blogos%26hl%3 Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG
Bibliography Tuesday February , John H lienhardhttp:// About Tuesday February Thursday February , Website by William W. Bottorff Images Otto, (the portrait) February Wednesday Website by William W. Bottorff (looks like a 4 wheeled carriage) February Thursday Old Benz Picture(3 wheeled picture) February Friday Carl Benz (portrait) February Friday Benz picture(4 wheeled on the 2 nd page) February Friday Benz Sign February Friday Tuesday February , John H lienhardhttp:// About Tuesday February Thursday February , Website by William W. Bottorff Images Otto, (the portrait) February Wednesday Website by William W. Bottorff (looks like a 4 wheeled carriage) February Thursday Old Benz Picture(3 wheeled picture) February Friday Carl Benz (portrait) February Friday Benz picture(4 wheeled on the 2 nd page) February Friday Benz Sign February Friday Home