Study Skills Probe Fall 2009 Missouri State University Secondary Field Experience COU 781
Improving Grades in a 6th Grade Class Brittany Gaines Supervisor: Rena Coller Pershing Middle School Springfield Missouri
The Problem There is a need to improve grades for several students at Pershing Middle School. Their average GPA for 4th quarter in 5th grade was 1.75. Data for these students showed several areas that needed to be worked on: Organization Paying attention Reading Comprehension
SIMS Students -6th grade students with poor grades in fifth grade Intervention -6week study skills group and individual meetings. Academic Recovery Class Measurements –GPA was calculated for 5th grade 4th quarter and compared with 6th grade 1st quarter. Self-esteem. Setting -Counselor led study skills group in 2nd block of students Academic Recovery class.
Intervention The 12 students with low grades in 5th grade were placed in an Academic Recovery class Counselor went into the classroom on Tuesday’s at 10:30 and led a 6 week study skills group. Counselor had individual sessions with each student to assess progress reports and help with individual concerns.
Intervention… Session One -Organization (Jenga) Attendance Paying attention Participating in class Planner Self-Esteem Inventory Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Program www.missouricareered
Intervention…. Session Two –How we spend our Time Session Three –Personal Study Habits Session Four –Reading Comprehension (SQ3R) Individual Meetings ollege/psych/psychs ci/.../rosenberg.htm Intervention…. Session Five –Learning Styles -Game Session Six –How to take a test Read Lorax (gave test) Post Self-esteem inventory ollege/psych/psychs ci/.../rosenberg.htm
Intervention… Follow up session –cleaned out desks with students individually Reviewed all previous sessions Played BINGO Sentence strips
Results -GPA
Results –Self-Esteem
Summary 10 of the 12 students GPA improved from 5th grade 4th quarter to 6th grade 1st quarter. Avg. GPA went from 1.75 to 2.64 7 of the 12 students had an improvement in their self-esteem. Students showed improvement on their interaction with their teachers and on their organizational skills
Recomendations Identify students who continue to struggle with grades Continue to monitor Academic Recovery class throughout the school year Randomly check students planners and desks Counselor should continue to go into the AR classroom and have individual sessions