Detector description News Detector description transient model logical detector description geometry detector description Prototype detector data service metadata concrete detector elements
Logical detector description description of a detector which is based on its logical organization, e.g. hierarchical containment used for navigation through all the hierarchy of detector elements and access to its information unique identifiers for individual detector elements, e.g. /dd/setup99/muon/station1
Geometry detector description defines structure, hierarchy of volumes and how they are composed of each other holds information about volumes properties, e.g. shape, dimensions, material position in space, translation, rotation of the volumes
Volumes definitions Logical volume Physical volume represent a leaf node or unpositioned subtree in the geometry hierarchy may have daughters ascribed to it responsible for retrieval of the physical attributes of the physical volume that it represents e.g. shape, material, magnetic field, user limits, sensitive detectors,… Physical volume positioned within and relative to a given mother volume represented by a given logical volume
Transient Model Detector Description Geometry Geometry Attributes DataObject Geometry Geometry Attributes Material 1 DetectorElement LogicalVolume 0..n m_material m_geometry : PhysicalVolume 1 m_solid : Solid m_pparvol m_material : Material 1 m_dir : PhysicalVolume 1..n 1 m_solid 1 m_geometry n Solid 1 m_pvol n PhysicalVolume m_volume : std::string = "" m_parentvol : std:;string = "" m_replica : u_int = 0 m_dir m_pvol : LogicalVolume 0..n m_pparvol : LogicalVolume Tube Sphere Box m_pvol: N replicas of the PhysicalVolume can point to the same LogicalVolume m_pparvol: N PhysicalVolumes can have the same parent m_dir: LogicalVolume may have 0..N daughter PhysicalVolumes
Detector Data service Test prototype done creates detector elements hierarchy creates volumes hierarchy resolves the links from detector elements to geometry Release prototype being prepared integration with Gaudi use of metadata to build transient store structure additional interface(s) specific to detector data
Metadata Define structure of the detector data in the transient store including both the detector elements and geometry volumes current implementation uses structured text file with parser query interface implemented for integration with detector data service(s) move towards real database technology in the future (Objectivity DB)
Detector elements generic detector specific implemented defines common interface provide links to other information detector specific inherit from generic define attributtes and methods specific to a given detector or element to be designed and implemented help needed from detector groups