Evil Pizza Delivery People Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
The Problem The Mission To many people don’t have enough fun and are workaholics. The Mission To create a game so cool that the workaholics stop to play it. Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
Gear Trains Control Speed Strength Direction Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
Law of the Lab Don’t do stupid stuff Respect the Lab Respect your teammates Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
Choose and Use Tricks #1.Collect premium quality junk and sort it. #2.Conserve materials. #3.Use pliers not scissors to cut hard stuff. #4.Little glue… lots of pressure. #5.Build to modify or fix you design. Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
Modular constructions #1.Build quickly. #2.Change your solutions easily. #3.Make your contraptions reliable. Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
Presenting Your Ideas Ugly average Awesome Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
Problem Solving Tricks Define the problem Share ideas Work together Break your solution into parts Document Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
Frogger Batter Hits the ball out of the park every time. He has very bad temper tantrums. Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
Toady Fielder Runs as fast as sound to get the ball. Is very hyper active. Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
Big hand Ump He has very big hand He has big eyes so he can see all of the ball and get it. Colin, Hanna, and Jacob
Egg head When egg head was born he was walking around an old battlefield when suddenly the enemy shot a canon and it cracked open on his head. Oh dear! Colin, Hanna, and Jacob