National geodata policies and Statistics Norway Geodata at Statistics Norway SDI Svein Reid Division for environmental statistics
Statistics Norway (SN) and Geodata -part of a broader Spatial DataInfrastructure (SDI)
Statistics Norway (SN) and Geodata -part of a broader Spatial DataInfrastructure (SDI) National SDI Geonorge/ Norge Digitalt Statistics Norway Geonorge
Statistics Norway (SN) and Geodata -part of a broader Spatial DataInfrastructure (SDI) National SDI Geonorge/ Norge Digitalt Statistics Norway European SDI INSPIRE Geonorge INSPIRE
Statistics Norway (SN) and Geodata -part of a broader Spatial DataInfrastructure (SDI) Statistics Norway comply to rules and regulations of our National SDI …which comply to the European SDI
Norway Digital / Norway Digital 2005, the Norwegian government's initiative to build a national SDI since 2005 a working co-operation and infrastructure with reference data and thematic data available, operational web map services, geoportal ( and other services an existing implementation of the infrastructure described by the European Inspire-directive.
Norway Digital / ALL public entities are members of Norway Digital Municipalities, Counties, public institutions : Statistics Norway, National Mapping authority, road, rail, etc.. Secretariat : Norwegian Mapping authority Membership fee to be part of Norway Digital, but membership gives access to everybody elses data free of charge Norway Digital can sell data to private companies, financing its operations, or returning funds to its members
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) – Norway Digital Geonorge National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) – Norway Digital
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) – Norway Digital Geonorge National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) – Norway Digital Metadata + links to datasets Metadata + links to datasets Metadata + links to datasets Metadata + links to datasets Metadata + links to datasets Norwegian Mapping Authority Norwegian Public Roads Administration Norwegian Municipalities Statistics Norway Other national and regional authorities
Data flow : general Geodata National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) – Norway Digital Metadata + links to datasets Metadata + links to datasets Metadata + links to datasets Metadata + links to datasets Metadata + links to datasets Norwegian Mapping Authority Norwegian Public Roads Administration Norwegian Municipalities Statistics Norway Other national and regional authorities Geodata resides with owner, flows between each institution
Data flow : Nationally prioritized Geodata (DOK) National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) – Norway Digital Data + Metadata + links to datasets Data + Metadata + links to datasets Data + Metadata + links to datasets Data + Metadata + links to datasets Data + Metadata + links to datasets Norwegian Mapping Authority Norwegian Public Roads Administration Norwegian Municipalities Statistics Norway Other national and regional authorities Geodata delivered to, flows from to downloader
For each dataset, what needs to be done? Nationally prioritized Geodata General Geodata Metadata + links Yes UML-model recommended
For each dataset, what needs to be done? Nationally prioritized Geodata General Geodata Metadata + links Yes UML-model recommended Download from owner institution WFS / WMS Strongly recommend Data transfer to, download as SOSI/GML No SOSI Product specification
TITTEL : Name of data layer / service (WFS/WMS)
Type : Dataset or service (WFS/WMS)
Data owner
Free «for all» data, or purchasable for non-members
Information on data layer
show WFS/WMS for layer in GEONORGE’s map portal
Download options : from Geonorge, from data owner, not available
Challenges NorgeDigitalt wish to be able to offer more of our data for download, through Pros : compliant fileformats (GML, SOSI) Pros : Table joining service in for all our grid statistics Cons : Loss of control, with «in house solution» we publish when we wish or need to Probable with continued mix… (the national Geoportal) is very Norwegian. Information in English basically non-existent. Can not refer international users to