The stimulus materials are various items designed by Alberto Alessi. You could use photographs or you may have a ‘hands-on’ collection in school.
Question? What have all these designs got in common? (design criteria?) (here are my suggestions, you should be able to add more) bright colours fun little people have faces/hands/features smiling mostly for the kitchen made from ?
1. You have 10 minutes to sketch some of your own ideas Two approaches here: 1. You have 10 minutes to sketch some of your own ideas (see design sheet on next page) 2. Give each pupil 2/3 post-its. On each they should sketch a different idea. All should be stuck onto the board/door after 5 minutes. Each pupil has to vote for the 4 they think are the best and fulfil the criteria. (a little tick on each they choose is appropriate) This approach shows that there are lots of ideas, it’s easy to do and sharing ideas gives you more options. (apologies to DATA for my interpretation of their idea!)
Ideas for Alessi products. KS3 sketches.
This designing exercise could be extended into a modelling exercise using paper, card, etc. It is not meant to be something long, drawn out …… just something to encourage pupils to think and experiment quickly and be fun! Other stimulus materials may be: range of mobile phone holders fabric designs e.g. William Morris sandwiches, ice creams.